Tom Nook has a talent?

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There wasn't much mail that went around these days, especially from those from outside the village. Pete had never heard of this person, but apparently it was someone who was responding to the announcement that Pelly had put up. Well, no matter who this person was, they somehow knew Tom Nook, and they had a question for him. That being said, he walked up to Nookington's to deliver the letter to the raccoon himself. He would usually put letters in a mailbox, but Nook was a special case. Usually he'd get letters for bills, catalogs, and other things related to business, so he requested that Pete just deliver the mail directly to him.

The automatic doors slid open as the air conditioning activated, sending a refreshing breeze though his feathers. As much as he would love to do some shopping (perhaps even buy Phyllis some new makeup), he had a duty to do. 

"Letter for you Mr. Nook!"

Tom, who was busy with setting up an advertisement poster, quickly looked back to see Pete at the door. Forgetting about the half-posted poster, he automatically switched into his "professional sales floor" role, saying, "Ah! Welcome to Nookingto--Oh! It's you Pete. Do you have my catalog today?"

"Sorry Mr. Nook. Not today. But you do have a letter from outside Animal Village." Tom Nook looked surprised as he wondered who could possibly be sending a letter to him. Hopefully it wasn't his old business partner. That wily fox should keep his snout of Tom's business if he had any decency left. He cautiously but politely accepted the letter, and to his relief it wasn't from the fox. But he didn't recognize the name of the sender either.

"Hm...I don't know anyone by that name. Are you sure that this is meant for me?"

"Positive. It has the address, postal stamp and everything. Well, as much as I want to stay and chat, I have to deliver more mail. Bye." And with a wave of goodbye, Pete went out the door and flew up into the sky.

Tom looked down at the purple envelope before him, wondering what this letter could possibly be. But then he started feeling that he had forgotten something. What was he doing before talking to Pete?

Unfortunately, the colorful reminder fell on top of his head, half-covering his face. He just stood there for a second before lifting his head. Sighing, he lifted the poster off of him and set it in the corner. He'd deal with it later. Right now he had a letter to respond to.

He cut open the envelope with a butter knife (after all, his round paws weren't the most suitable for opening letters), pulled out the letter and began to read. It was a short but simple question:

Tom read the letter carefully, analyzing it as thoroughly as possible

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Tom read the letter carefully, analyzing it as thoroughly as possible. He became lost in deep thought, reaching into his earliest of memories to see if anything qualified as a talent. He hadn't given much thought to it before. He was always busy for most of his life, so he couldn't think of many hobbies. He thought about his song of his ancestors, but that's hardly worth mentioning in a letter. Nonetheless, he had to respond.

He pulled out some simple stationary, and writing with the fountain pen on the counter, he began to reply:

"Dear LuigiBond171615,

I don't have many hobbies or talents that I can think of. However, I am interested in golfing, not that I have played very much. After all, I have a store to run and little ones to worry about. As far as talents go, I guess it's the talent for having a good head for business. Anyone can cultivate that though, so does it count as a talent?

Sincerely, Tom Nook

P.S. If you're ever in the area, just look for Nookington's and you will find me there. We do have special items for sale, yes yes. So drop by real soon then, hm?"

He folded the letter and encased it in a simple white envelope, sealing it with a simple leaf sticker. He would go to the post office later to send it.

But one thing did bug his mind. He did have a hobby. And that was being an uncle to his nephews. Playing with them, having to read them bedtime stories. It was his hobby, if not his pleasure, to be a father figure to the boys. And perhaps he could take some more time off to start thinking about taking up other hobbies. After all, life is not all about work, as he recently discovered.

"Hmm...golfing...that could be fun..."

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