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'I knew a guy named Luke Atmadik'


Jayden Yusami

'Why'd you live your life in a bottle? Why be sad and depressed? You could do anything! Even steal but we can ignore that part....'





'Age is just a number they said, tell that to the old man who lives across from me.'

Date of birth:

September 28



Face claim:

Patty Pritshayada Piriyametha

Patty Pritshayada Piriyametha

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'See I love my little sister

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'See I love my little sister. But every day she looks more like the old hag that lives down the street.'



Jayden, is someone who cannot be taken seriously ever. She loves to laugh because why not? Life is short. Life can end in a second so why not make the best if it? Jayden is not a serious person in general and proabably because her great great grand father was kept in a tiny little bottle for like a thousand years. So making the most if her life is her full time job. Jayden is actually quite funny, from her laugh to appearance and clothing, she doesn't mind being made the fool of a group. She does know when something isn't funny though. Like harming others to where they hurt and harming animals or making fun of others other than that she's just a big goof. Despite her goofy nature Jayden is actually quite smart and philosophical. She has certain standards she wants to uphold and she will never break her own moral code. She is someone who wants to be virtuous and be seen as good. Jayden is summed up to most people as goofy, comedic, friendly, and not much more. She has a certain outlook on life that changes the way people see her as. A ball of joy with very questionable humor, but sometimes she hates it. She isn't taken seriously and when she says something meaningful she is blown off. She doesn't regret it though, but she just jokes around with it and makes it apart of her stories.

'Love isn't real, and love at first sight is for kids. A fairy tale we may live in but people die and get hurt because of their own arrogance.'


Beta/Mediocre Beta


Follow your Dreams


Stand Up Comedian



Telling Jokes

Meeting new people

Working on a new set

Making people laugh

When someone flirts with her she thinks it funny


Stewed Carrots

Hypocrites (if you can't laugh at yourself than you can't poke fun of others)

Cats kind of scare her

When people try to tell her jokes

Really bad jokes



She's single, but she has this pain in her side....

Jayden clapped her hands together as she looked at the person with a devious smirk playing in her lips, "because....I need a new set of people to tell jokes to of course! I mean I don't want to end up being a stale comedian!" She say with a small laugh, "And plus we could all use a few extra billion can't we?" She said as turned on her heels and waved, while her reasons were unsure and questionable like her jokes.


"I don't know what you want me to say?" Jayden shrugged as she flipped her book of jokes she had thought of, not looking up, "you want me to say I hate them? I don't know, they're there and they're rich, I wanna be them. But that sounds selfish and creepy if you think about it! I mean I wanna be them? I wanna be like then, not skin them alive and actually be them." Jayden said as she wrote something in her book.

RAINBOW_Yumi_'s Character

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