Say that you love them

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Matthew had lots of girlfriends but the funny thing about is that he said he loved all of them, which I think is total bull crap. I thunk that because all the girls that he dated are best friends. I don't originally think him as a bad guy but,what I see and hear it utterly sounds like he is a bad guy. People think as him of the one you go to if you are having problems. Others don't even want to get yo know him and you know it kind of is a good thing since he's just walking around making girls feel like crap. Like he's a really good friend but other than the fact that he will eventually end up hurting you in the end because he was just using them as an advantag. He maybe my friend but that doesn't mean I don't have any doubts about what he's doing and hobbit can affect him in the future. Matthew can be an inconsiderate jerk,but he's my inconsiderate jerk qnd I live him.

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