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Matthew Charles is a really fake. Everything about gunboats fake. He's not even the boy that I thought that I fell in love with. He's a lie, a cheat, a manipulator, and he will use you until your dry and your all shriveled up like a prune or a raisin. He might be sweet on the outside but he's not. He wants you to believe that he's your Knight in shining armor. He will use you till the very being of you is shattered and your just a broken person. He change your behavior and attitude make you become the embarrassment of your whole family. He will use you until you are as mean,rude,caniving, obssess,and paranoid just like him. He will turn you into the person that you never wanted to be turned into but you know he won't let you go so easily after he's done with you,he will make you feel like a total idiot for going with him. He will crush and break you down piece by piece and he won't be hesitant about it and that makes him a very phsyco. He's a heart less guy that don't really care about any body but himself. Your little Matthew is the little monster that under your bed and waiting time get you alone time take away your innocence then leave you to Handel the problems on your own.

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