The Beginning

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You finally get out of the forest and are greeted with the gate of a small town. Luckily, you brought a travelers pass with you, so the guards let you in. Upon entering the town, several children and adults alike look at you as if you had four eyes. You're able to ignore the looks and head over to the inn to get a room.

"Oh! A customer! Can I do anything for you?" Asks the innkeeper, who is clearly excited upon your arrival. "Yes, can I buy a room?" You say, just wanting to get some rest after you got out of that god forbidden forest. "Yes you can. It'll be 10g per night" Says the innkeeper, who looks to be on the brink of bursting into excitement. You grab the amount you needed to pay, and the innkeeper gives you the key to your room.

After a nights rest, you go to the tavern section (which has a kids section) and get breakfast. You're approached by 2 children, which look to be 11-14 years of age. A girl with a red shirt and pink skirt, brown hair and hazel eyes, and a boy who looks the exact same as her, but a blue shirt and no skirt, with brown pants. "Psst! Follow me!" Says the girl. The girl and boy take your hands and drag you away to a pathway.

"Where the hell did you take me?!" You exclaim, angry that they had interrupted your breakfast. The boy quickly hushes you. "My name is Cassie, and this is my brother Carl." Whispers the girl. The boy simply nods. 'Something tells me I'm gonna run into these two a lot.'  You think to yourself. "Could you help us? We'll reward you if you do!" Cassie quietly exclaimed. You sigh, annoyed that you have to do some kind of side quest for these children. "Fine. What do I have to do?" You ask.

"Well... our little sister was kidnapped by that mysterious figure going around everyone's houses and taking their sick children. Everyone suspects that the witch and the dragon did it. I have my suspicions against them aswell. I saw that you an traveler, which means you must have some combat under your belt!" Exclaims Cassie. The boy merely nods again, not saying a word. "So we were wondering if perhaps-" "You want me to slay the dragon?" You interrupted, knowing exactly where that was going. "Yep! Well, could you?" Asks Cassie, seemingly expecting you to say yes to her request.

Here are your first choices!
>Agree to slay the dragon and witch
>Reject the request
>Negotiate with the dragon and witch (or at least attempt to)

The Children of the DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora