The Dragon's Trail

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I decided to continue the story without a choice by the readers being made. The choice chosen is C.

"Wha-?! Are you completely sure?" Cassie exclaims. Carl gasps in surprise. Luckily, no one seemed to hear her, and if anyone did, they ignored it. "If there is a way to do this without bloodshed, I'm willing to do so." I said. I didn't want to fight a dragon. Cassie sighed. "Fine. I guess it'd be a bit less risky to negotiate."

Cassie lead me to the trail that'd take me to the dragon's den. "Just be careful. I don't want to be responsible for someone dying. Again." Cassie said. I began to walk up the- wait. Again? What does she mean "Again?" I don't have time to question it. I walked up the trail to the dragon's den.

God it's cold up here. The mountain was colder than that ice ogers punch from that snowy hill. I tried not to think about the cold, but it's hard to not think about it when it's basically all that's going on in my mind and on my skin. I decided to look around the environment I'm in. I saw a snowy owl, the occasional bush, a fox coming at me- wait. Before I knew it, the fox had bumped into my leg and fell down. I took a look at it. It's fur was a light blue, and had a white fluffy kind of neck fur, with it's ears tipped white. I realized that it wasn't a fox, it was a monster! I had to make a decision: befriend it, kill it, or run away.

A. Befriend it
B. Kill it.
C. Run away.

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