"Lily of the Valley"

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Chapter 1
"Saeran! I finally found you... I was so worried..."
A little red haired boy with glasses said.
"You know you can't just stay outside too much, you already came down with a terrible fever 4 days ago, you need to rest...
But most importantly you know, mom will get mad if we go too far from home... I mean if you go too far...
She is always mad at me anyway...
So... what are you staring at?"

The other little red haired boy next to him got suddenly sad, then answered:
"Saeyoung... Do you know what is the meaning of this little flower?

Saeyoung looked at the flower and said: "I never saw a flower like that before, maybe because it's so little...
What is its name?"

Saeran smiled for a moment:
"It's called -Lily of the Valley- and even if It's so tiny, this cute flower can grow and flourish very well in dry shade too!
V told me that the language of the flower behind it is "Promise of happiness".

It got quiet for a moment...

Saeran turned towards Saeyoung and looked him straight in the eyes:
"Even with your glasses on, it feels like you're my mirror staring back at me!"

Saeyoung looked at him in turn adjusting his glasses:
"We are twins after all!"

He smiled slightly and continued:
"One day we will be happy Saeran, that's a promise..."

Pinky promise?
Pinky promise...

Pinky promise?YesPinky promise

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