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Chapter 4


You need pain
To treat pain


A person who causes pain...

Isn't always a bad person

Depending on what kind of result
you get after pain...

Can be


I still remember that day clearly.
The day I heard your voice for the first time,the same day I held your hand for the first time...
So innocent... So soft...
I can't forget all the beautiful moments we passed together.
You trust me so deeply...
I've always been alone here
and these days passed with you made me feel... Happy...
For the first time in my life.
But now that I have to use this on you... It breaks my heart...
I don't want you to suffer
Just like me.

Toc toc toc

(Someone knocked at the door.
You slowly opened your eyes as you were lying on your bed.)

*"Who is?"

(You asked sleepy)

-"(Y/n) , It's me... Ray.
Mind if I come in?"

*Yes come in... Don't worry I'm... I'm awake."

(You were a little embarrassed.
He gently opened the door and looked at you. His eyes were sparkling, illuminated by the moonlight coming through the window. You always thought that he has beautiful and unique eyes...
Beautiful mint colored eyes...)

-"I didn't mean to disturb you... It's just that..."

(He seems to be thoughtful.)

-"The preparations for the ritual are complete... And the Savior wants you to fully join us as soon as possible...
She said that I have to take care of the ritual before midnight."

*"The... The ritual you said?"

(You silently swallowed.)

*"I don't know Ray...
Is it really necessary? I mean... Uhm, you know, I'm here and I'm going nowhere.
You asked me if I trust you days ago...
Don't you trust me in return?"

(Ray's eyes looks sad but sometimes it seems like he is smirking inside...)


(He closed the door, came closer to you and sat down on your bed, right next to you.)

-"Of course I trust you, so does the great Savior: that's why we want you to officially join us.
This procedure doesn't require too much time, you'll return to your room in 30 minutes or so. "

(He said while smiling)

-"Remember that you decided to come here of your own free will...
4 days ago.
Isn't it?."

*"You're right..."

-"Listen... I will never betray you.
I will never hurt you.
I promise I'll make you happy Y/n."

(He seems so serious... As if he is saying all this things to convince himself that he wants to make you happy... You have a bad feeling about this, but you already noticed strange things in that place and you know there are people watching the floor you currently are.)

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