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"Aw come on dad, please?" Sally pleaded, clinging to the pants of her extremely tall father.

"Sally come on now, be reasonable. You already have a husky, what on earth could you possibly need another pet for?" said Slender, clearly having a hard time moving to the kitchen.

"Well, Akamaru is always sad when I go off to school, and then he gets lonely. But then I can't play with him after school, because I"ll have other things to do, and even when I finish all my work, I STILL can't play with him because I'm too tired. Do you see the problem here?" She says, not letting go of his pants.

Slender huffs, and peels Sally off of his leg, and holds her to face him.

"Think about it this way. Who feeds Akamaru?"


"Who bathes Akamaru?"


"Who walks Akamaru?"


"Who cleans up after Akamaru?"


"Exactly." Slender says, and places Sally down gently on her feet.

"It's a lot of responsibility taking care of a pet, and if you can't take care of one, how can you with another?" Slender says, and makes his way into the kitchen.

Sally crosses her arms, and looks away angrily, but then a sly smile forms on her face.

"Uncle Splendor would've gotten it for me if I asked him." She says, and Slender stops in his tracks.

She had spoken the unspoken rule between siblings.

Oxen had told her once that the way he and Olive had gotten what they wanted was through saying that one of their uncles would've gotten it for them.

It's because of this stupid rivalry between them or something, basically seeing who was the best uncle/parent.

Slender turns around, grabs his keys swiftly, and grabs Sally with one of his tentacles, and walks to the entrance of the house. 

"Where are we going?" Asked Sally, with a great big smile.

"We're going to get you that cat." Said Slender, determination burning in his featureless face to prove he was the best.

-----At the Adoption Center-----

"Hurry and pick which on you want, and ONLY one." Slender says.

Sally quickly ran off to find her a kitten. She looked through the aisles, skimming through everything, looking at lizards, snakes, puppies, hamsters, and other animals she wish she could have. finally, she finds the kitten section, all of the sections are empty, aside for one, but a kid already beat her to it, and Sally sighs sadly.

"Mom, I don't want this one, it's funny-looking..." Says the kid, and he and his mother go off, to look around. Sally quickly runs over to look at the kitten. It's black, and it's missing an eye, and it has a nub where it's tail should be. Sally tears up.

"What h-happened to you?" Sally says, and looks to the sign that has the kittens name on it.

'Hi! My name is Midnight!

I came from a place where people didn't treat me well, and all I want is a home! Please adopt me!'

Sally gasps, and looks at the small kitten. It's sad in the corner, having just been denied. She taps softly on the glass, and the kitten picks it's head up and opens it's eye, it's a cobalt color. It quickly pounces over and places it's paw on the glass where Sally's hand was. Sally didn't notice, but she was crying. She understood the pain of being rejected. It was her everyday life in public due to her background, family, and features. The cat meows softly, and Sally quickly calls out for her dad.

Slender walks over and sees Sally crying and smiling at a cat that's scratching at the pane of glass. 

"Sally, what's wrong?" He says quickly, worried.

"N-Nothing." She sniffs, and wipes her eyes.

"I want this kitten." She says, and Slender looks at the kitten, the kitten never takes it's eyes off her, and Slender nods.

They get Midnight, get all the proper things for her, and leave out, and get into the car.

Sally quickly gets it out of it's carrier, and the kitten hops and nuzzles into her neck, purring. Sally felt herself tear up again, and puts her hands around the kitten and hugs it back. Slender looks at them, and, if looks were possible, looked at them happily. He started the car, and drove home.

The Slenderkids. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now