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Note | i'm still feeling a bit sick but since it's my birthday, i figured i should give an update sooo here's a very short fic, i think i'll be posting another chapter or two about this, but honestly idk when hehe.

Alsoooo i'm currently writing an update for my on-going story TRAP, i'll be posting it later.


Looking at the clock, Moon Byulyi was counting the remaining minutes left for her shift to end. It was already 2:30AM and her shift ends in 3:45AM. She's got an hour and fifteen minutes left, before she she can finally take her rest and wake up in 7:00AM for her shift in her other job.

"Byulie unnie! The regular is here." she turned her head to her co-worker slash friend, hyejin. Then her eyes drifted to the man who just came and sat down at his usual spot by the window.

'He's pretty late today, he usually comes around 1AM.'

The man who always comes in this coffee shop every other day, at midnight dressed in a casual black shirt—always. She always served him but never got to actually talk to him. He's always looking down, reading a book or scrolling through his phone. Byul admits he's attractive— too attractive actually. Especially when he has his glasses on. He's charming. His broad shoulders also adding to his charm.

Suddenly he turned towards her direction and she turned away fast, feeling her cheeks grow hot thinking she just got caught checking him out. Yongsun— the owner of the shop and also her friend, joined by hyejin and her other co-worker/friend who just came back from noting his order, wheein— they spoke in low voices, chatting about the man she just checked out.

"I really think he's a doctor." said by wheein

"No, doctors are always tired, if he's a doctor then he's supposedly asleep by now. I think he's a lawyer. He's always reading when he comes here." yongsun sided next to wheein.

Hyejin interfered, "No, i think he's a teacher. Teachers love to read."

The girls waited for byulyi to speak up but she didn't so yongsun raised her brow and asked, "What about you? What do you think his job is?"

Byulyi sighed and answered, "What does it matter what i think? Besides what will we get from knowing what his job is?"

"Kill joy." both wheein and hyejin uttered in lowered voices.

"How about let's have a bet. Whoever gets it right gets ten dollars from each person who lost plus all the tip for today." yongsun said, laughing excitedly like a dolphin, "Whoo! This is fun!"

'ten dollars plus all the tip? hmmm not bad.' byulyi thought.

All the women accepted the bet. Wheein was curious on how they'll know though, and what her byulyi unnie's bet is.

"What's your bet unnie? And yongsun unnie, how will we know his true occupation?"

Byulyi looked back to the man. To her, he has that aura of a business man. Not at all the super billionaire type but still a business man. So that's what she said to wheein.

"Byulyi, you go talk to him!" yongsun spoke suddenly getting her attention away from the man again.

"What? Why me?"

"You're the least shy among us four— you're basically a social butterfly."

"Ugh! Fine—but... if i lose, i'll give just 5 dollars." byulyi said as she crossed her arms waiting for the three to accept her condition.


Byulyi served him his order and sat opposite him after. He stared at her, puzzled why she's staying in front of him. Adjusting his glasses and clearing his throught he said, "Excuse me, but... Why are you—"

"I'm bored."

"Okaaay... Well aren't you working?"

She looked at her watch, "Actually, i'm off in around 40 minutes and since there are no other customers aside from you i thought i should chill for a minute." she was smiling at him.

He looked around, and it's true that he was the only customer left which also made him wonder why she seated with him when there are lots of vacant seats.

Deciding to just ignore her, he resumed reading.

Byulyi didn't know how to get his attention so he scrolled through her phone and suddenly played a loud music, which made him look back at her again.


"It's fine—"

"Are you a lawyer? You seem to be always reading whenever you come here." she started, attempting a small talk.

It's still weird-ing him out that she's suddenly engaging a small talk but he replied anyway.

"No, i actually work at a hotel a few blocks from here."

"Ahh so you're a business man." she made sure to point out the word business man louder, so, the women who's currently sneaking a look behind the staff door can hear her.

'Hello thirty dollars plus tip!' giving herself a high-five in her mind.

"Well, you can say that." he settled his book down and took a sip of his coffee.

"Does your work always end in the middle of the night or at dawn?"

"No, my work ends at eight." he suddenly has the urge to talk to her and get to know her, she seemed so out-going and a happy person.

"What's your name?"

"My name's Byulyi. Moon Byulyi." she had a beautiful smile plastered on her face as she said that, offering her hand-out for a hand shake.

"Hi Byulyi, I'm Kim Seokjin." he shook her hand, genuinely giving a smile back.

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