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I've heard your requests. I've heard your cries. I've heard your calls. It has been a long time. Over a year, as was pointed out to me - don't worry I needed to be called out. So here I am. One year later. One unfaithful movie adaptation later. One quarantine–no wait, still in quarantine...WHOO (Get it WHO - World Health Organization :D - I think I'm hilarious) PANDEMIC TIME! I've seen you asking for Chubs and Vida oneshots, Zu and Roman oneshots and some other ones. So here we are...Imma spin my roulette wheel see where it lands and I'll do my best. Just a PSA it's been a while since I read the TDM series and TDL so please be nice to me. Thank you for staying around and thank you for your patience.

The Story Behind This: A lil reunion of the Betty Gang after the Darkest Legacy. Cause that's the extent of creativity - but hey at least I'm updating y'all.
Zu PoV

When I got the message from Chubs my heart did little somersaults. I had been waiting for a rendevouz message for so long. Ever since we stormed Mercer's warehouse we were on the run. I knew that eventually it would come, but Ruby and Liam needed to get to a safe place again, Chubs and Vida both had a shitload to deal with as well, so I wasn't surprised that it took a while. But, I wanted it to come sooner. 

I would see everyone again. I would see Ruby and Liam, Chubs and Vi. Maybe the other kids from Haven - Lisa, Miguel and Jacob... Maybe even more. I couldn't wait to catch up with everyone. My heart was doing little somersaults when I thought about it. They were my family and despite the fact that I had my friends with me this entire time, I missed them.

However, as much as they were my family, I was their. That meant I practically had two sets of overprotective parents. Hence, the extent of my excitement was limited by the fear and dread I felt. I adore Liam and Ruby, I love Chubs and Vida, but when they said to bring "Rambo and Co", or how they normally liked to be called Roman, Priyanka and Lana with me, I felt rather nervous. 

Last time everyone except Ruby met my friends, minus Lana who we weren't exactly on good terms with at the time. However, I had explained the Lana situation to Chubs and despite being rather shaken up he seemed to understand, at the time he was just happy I was safe. Lana was the least of my troubles, after we rescued her, she always seemed to look at us guiltily and even though she would laugh with Priya, she never fully returned to the Lana Priya had once described to me. What I was nervous about was more interactions between my family and Roman and Priyanka. 

Liam undoubtedly told Ruby all about me and Roman, certainly not missing the detail about our kiss on the fence. He undoubtedly mentioned how he first bumped into us. Well how Roman almost shot him and if Chubs didn't get to it first; he definitely mentioned how I got framed for a terrorist attack and became a fugitive. 

"It'll be fine." Roman said as we stopped at a red light, Priyanka and Lana asleep in the back of the car and the GPS indicating that we were getting close, to where we were told to meet up. 

"Yeah. I hope so." I replied as the light turned green and Roman continued to drive. 

We turned onto a highway and drove for 40 minutes before turning at an exit. It was already dark as we navigated the small roads of whatever state we were in. Times like this, when we were driving somewhere reminded me of our time in Black Betty. At the time it was terrifying and we were in constant danger, but now I only look back at the good memories. Driving in Betty and Chubbs muttering about food or angrily arguing with Liam over kittens. The dreadful dress I made Ruby wear once...All of it came flooding back to me. 

After another 20 minutes we finally arrived. If you would ask me how to describe where we were it would be something like turn left in the middle of nowhere, continue for 30 miles and then turn right at the end of the world so you don't fall off the end and continue for another 10 miles until you see someone standing in the middle of a forest holding a flashlight. 

That someone was Liam. It may have been dark, but I could recognize him anytime and anywhere. As we got out of the car my excitement overtook me and I sprinted towards him, making Roman, Priyanka and Lana chase after me. I hugged Liam with such velocity he nearly fell over. 

"Hello Zuzu." He said returning the hug, lifting me into the air. "Sorry it took so long, we just had to make sure everything was good. Hey Rambo, hey Priyanka, hey Lana..." Liam said noticing my friends standing there awkwardly. 

"Hello." Roman answered, shifting uncomfortably. 

"'Sup." Priyanka said, in Priyanka fashion. 

"Hello..." Lana replied softly. 

"How have things been?" I asked once he let me free. "How's Ruby? And the Haven kids–" I blurted out making Liam chuckle.

"Calm down, I'll fill you in soon. I also want to hear from you Zuzu, but there's someone who is more excited to see you than me."

I nodded as we set off through the forest, Priyanka telling some of the things we've done. I took Roman's hand, which didn't go unnoticed by Liam, but he let it slide as we were coming upon a field encompassed by the forest. 

Towards one end there was something which looked like the foundations of a house, logs scattered around it. On the other end a couple of tents were set up a fire burning in the center a group of people sitting around it on makeshift log benches. But, my gaze was fixed upon a vehicle close to the construction.

"Is that–" I started to ask smiling brightly.

"Black Betty." Liam finished, seemingly reading my mind. "Harry helped me load her up and bring it her here."

I almost wanted to run up to the old van and give it a hug, but then I noticed the faces of the people around the fire. I found Chubs pretty easily, his glasses made it easy and next to him was Vida. They were both laughing about something. Then another person caught my eye. It was a girl with short brown hair, who was sitting opposite Chubs and Vida. I immediately knew who it was and when she saw me looking at her, she gave me a smile and climbed over the logs. She quickly ran over to me. 

Once Ruby reached me, she engulfed me in a hug so big that I thought she'd break my ribs. Liam led my friends to the fire, where some familiar Haven kids were sitting, as Chubs and Vida came to see me as well. 

"Are you okay? Liam said you were a fugitive, how, what why? You did so well though! I'm so proud! You aren't hurt though?" Ruby questioned, scanning me for any apparent injuries, not letting me get a word in.  "Also was that Roman? You're so tall! Zu stop growing. I'm so happy to see you!"

"Me too!" I managed to say, hugging her again, before she managed to fire more questions.

As Chubs and Vida came up to us, I also greeted them with a hug. And slowly we made our way to the fire. I wasn't sure if I was more nervous leaving Roman and Liam alone - for him to have the "if you hurt her we will kill you" (but Vida would probably have that talk with Roman later) - or leaving Priyanka and Liam alone - because she's Priyanka. However, once we arrived at the warm fire we mainly just talked - without any threats - and ate some smores. 

"What's this place then?" I asked looking from Chubs to Vida to Ruby and Liam. I knew who to fix my eyes on to get them speaking, Liam couldn't hide his smile even if he tried.

"Well..." He started, putting his arm around Ruby. "We're trying to rebuild Haven...All of us...Together..."

I looked at Chubs who shrugged it off as if saying when Lee decides something there's no going against him, is there... and Vida who seemed to be on board already. I looked at Lisa, Miguel, Jacob, Owen, Priyanka, Lana and Roman, who all were looking at me for an answer. 

"When do we start?" I asked smiling brightly. Finally, I had my family all together.


Hello there. I really had no idea how to end this, but I hoped you enjoyed this. I have 0 idea when/if I'll update again as I don't have a great track record with updating consistently. However, since I'm now in quarantine I'll try to see if the creative muse will strike me again. Anyway, thanks for sticking around for now, and see you eventually.


Miscellaneous Darkest Minds One Shots and Random Things That Pop Into My HeadWhere stories live. Discover now