chapter 3 - messages

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Y/n's POV:

The next 2 weeks were spent mainly crying, growing closer with Laurence, Doing nothing all day, and debating on whether or not I should call Elijah.

I stared at the movie on the living room television screen. My head was resting in Laurence's lap, as I shoved french fries in my mouth.

'This movie is stupid.' Travis groaned and crossed his arms.

'I agree.' Dante huffed.

'Well, deal with it. If Y/n wants to watch it, we're watching it.' Laurence sighed.

'That's right.' I nodded and shoved another fry in my mouth.

'Why is Laurence here anyways?' Travis sighed.

'Why not? He's my bestfriend.'

'I thought I was your bestfriend!' Dante pouted.

'You can both be my bestfriend then, fine.'

'What about me?'

A chuckle escaped my lips. 'You can too, Travis.'

He grinned. 'Yay!'

We all laughed.

'What's this movie called again?' Dante questioned.

'Midnight.' Me and Laurence said in sync.

'Right. Well, anyways. I don't understand what the big deal is about it.'

I gasped. 'What do you mean? It's one of the greatest love-story's of all time!'

'What about the one with the boat?'

'That's Titanic. And personally I prefer that movie over this one, but SOMEBODY  cries non-stop at the end every-time.' I smirked and looked up at Laurence.

He frowned. 'Look. It's just so sad! I mean why couldn't Jack get on the door with Rose? There was plenty of room for both of them.' He began to tear-up.

I held in my laughter. 'You're such a softie.'

'Is that a bad thing?' He pouted.

'No, of course not. Personally, I think it's cute.'

His face grew extremely red, his voice high-pitched. 'What?'

'I said, I think It's cute.' A smile grew upon my heart-shaped lips.

'So you think I'm cute, or you think being a softie is cute?'

'Mmm, both.' I chuckled. 'Well, I'm off to bed. Goodnight!'

'Night Y/n!' Dante and Travis giggled.

'Wait!' Laurence chased after me. 'So you think I'm cute?'

I smiled and slowly began to close the door. 'Goodnight Laurence.'

'Y/n!' He shouted.

I laughed and plopped down on my bed.

Third Person POV:

Laurence scratched his head, utterly confused. Laughter was heard from Dante and Travis.

'I- What- She said-' Laurence sat on the couch, face redder then a beet.

'Hey Dante, I think Laurence has a crush-iee!' Travis sang out.

Dante laughed.

Laurence snapped out of his daze. 'Shut up!' He grunted and stood up, walking towards the door.

'Woah, Laurence, chill out. We're just messing around.'

'I'm going home now. Bye.'

'Bye?' Travis and Dante looked at each-other with confusion.

Y/n's POV

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. A quiet sigh escaped from my lips. Music quietly played from my phone.

I felt my heart start to race, finding it harder and harder to breath. It felt as if my throat was closing up. I quickly sat up placing my hand over my heart. I gasped for air. I took deep breaths, in, and out. in, and out. I closed my eyes and just took deep breaths until I could calm myself. I opened my eyes to a "ding"

I turned my head and glanced down at my phone.


Laurence : Hey, can we talk about before?

A smile grew upon my lips as I picked up the phone and began to reply.

Y/n : What's there to talk about?

Laurence : You called me cute...

Y/n : Technically, I didn't. But so what? It was just a joke

Laurence : Oh... obviously I knew that... haha.. 😳

Y/n : Yeah, haha

Laurence : Yeah...


Not going to lie, for some reason I felt awkward messaging him.


Y/n : So, is that the only reason you decided to message me at 1am? 🥴

Laurence : It's 1am?!?

Y/n : uhm, yeah? don't you ever look at the time?

Laurence : No, not really

Y/n : You didn't answer my question

Laurence : Oh- Sorry jeez, but I don't really have another reason, just wanted an excuse to talk to you I guess 🤷‍♂️🥰

Y/n : Well, that's sweet ❤️

Y/n : If you'd like, we can call?

Laurence : Sure! I just have to be quiet so I don't wake Zane, he gets grumpy when he doesn't sleep

Y/n : Of course he does. he's Zane

Laurence : 😂


I clicked the call button under his name. As it rang I brought it up to my ear and bit my lip.


'Hey,' I whispered and smiled.

'Soo, what's up?'

'Just talking to a major hottie'

I held in my giggle and could picture him blushing.

'Oh, hush. I know I'm hot, but not as sexy as you!~'

he purred.

I bursted out laughing, causing him to do the same.

'You're so stupid and weird.'

'I AM? You are!'

'Yeah, sureee.'

'Oh shoot! I hear Zane! Gotta go, talk to you tomorrow! Goodnight!'

'Night Laurence!'



He hung up, and I laid back down.

I wonder what happened to me before he messaged...

Probably a panic attack...

But what happened?


I sighed and sat back up, expecting another message from Laurence. But instead...


Elijah : Baby, hello, hi, respond to this, we need to talk. NOW.

I gulped and slowly reached for my phone.

882 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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"𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩" - Laurence x reader - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now