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Let's begin.....

Sanskar hugs his parents and brother who came to pick him up.
His eyes search for her,though he knew she wont come but still he urged to see her.
Sushanth notices it.he didn't say anything now in front of their parents.

Sanskar talks with his parents and they explained few things happened in his absence in his absence.
Sushanth:maa why didn't you tell about Ragini's marriage?
Sanskar:Ragini married?
His parents were unaware of Sanskar ignoring Ragini.because Ragini lied them of Sanskar frequently calls her but only sushanth knew about it.

Ahana: didn't Ragini tell you?
Sanskar looks at her.
Sushanth: Ragini's marriage is fixed with My brother-in-law Ansh.after 2 days it's their engagement.aditi set up this date because you can also join or else they would have engaged 10 days earlier only since this sunday is the marriage.but anyhow Aditi managed.
Sanskar didn't speak anything.

Sudeep:what happened sanskar you are not happy about this?
Sanskar nods in no:no i am happy.

After 2 days..
Ragini was all ready in the silver colour lehenga for the engagement.she was extremely sad that It's been 2 days that sanskar have come back and it was only 10 to 15 steps to her home.still he didn't come.
She didn't wanted to go by herself since he is not interested in meeting her.

Soon her dadi takes her downstairs and makes her sit beside Ansh.
It didn't seem like she was happy not even a little.
There her eyes falls on him after 6 years.he was standing at the door.
But she looks other side just to control her tears.

While Sanskar smiles a little,he know he deserves her anger but he was in such a position that he didn't wanted to make her feel guilty by letting her know about his feelings.
Aditi drags Sanskar near them.
Ansh:Sanskar what a pleasant surprise man?finally you came.
Sanskar just smile.he sees Ragini who avoided him.

Ansh:Anyways you are here till my marriage right?
Sanskar:yes i am!!!

She heard him,his voice still had the same effect on her.his voice brings the tickling sensation in her body even now.

Sanskar:and congratulations!
Ansh :Thanks..
He turns to Ragini because he know Sanskar is her best friend.
She stood.
Sanskar to Ragini: Congrats!
Ragini just nods.
He forwards her the bouquet of Yellow Roses.
She remembered in all this year for her every occasions of her life he sent her the Yellow Roses.
She takes it
And He was about to move.
Ansh:Sanskar can you please click our picture?
Sanskar turns and sees Ragini and nods.
Ansh gives him the phone.

Ansh places his hand on Ragini's shoulder.
And Sanskar clicks the picture though it hurt him.

Sanskar gives back the mobile.
When Ansh mingles with his friends.
Ragini holds her stomach and she quickly sits and looks around.
Sanskar looks at her.
Ragini looks around already every guest were here.
She was such a situation she don't know what to do.

Ansh's parents asks Ragini to stand.which she didn't wanted...
Sudeep:what happened Ragini?
Ragini bends her head.
When power off's.

Sushanth:what happened to this light now? I will go and check.
When Ragini could feel 2 hands on shoulder.she didn't needed any kind of encyclopedia to recognize who it was.
She just stood.

After some minutes.
Ragini was in the room.she was wincing out with the stomach pain.
Sanskar:Go and change.
Ragini didn't say anything.
Taking a torch along with her she goes inside the washroom.because it was dark!
Sanskar holding the fuse with him.and sits on the bed when the light of the flashlight made him see something.that was the photo of him and her on one of the wall.where it had no space it was filled with their photos.

From Yellow To Redحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن