some shit

64 4 2

So, I've been depressingly down in tears.

So lonesome

Somehow, I forgot about peers.

Kept my wisdom. secrets was never meant to be kept

See like those days I've been carrying out that burden

but yet,

You seem to always let me down

And that's the shit I don't get.

I feel you in a kinda way, that no one in this world does  

Our connection must be critically strong. 

But what the fuck is love for

I have this feeling has I look at you, (mmh huuh) I don't have anything to say 

I don't really love you, 

but I care for you in a kind of way

But I didn't expected you to be this way 

I thought that things would've been easier between me and you by the day 

but I was wrong.

now I'm just here, my writings are really getting on

I'd rather not hate you

Yes! indecisive, I'm numb

so, Consequently all my feelings has gone

Coming at me with your problems you better stop

You start coughing, go ahead. suck a cough drop

The meanings are in the means of which you can't plot

There's shit you knew that you can't live without.

I've said too much, I need to shut my damn mouth

So I'll be quiet and let me be about


"I knew I've mentioned someshit somewhere far off

Let me just jot this down real quick

And turn the fucking song off."

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