
29 4 7

Reeking a commitment
Of not falling into the hype.
Start trying new things on my own
I Learned, how to not take advice.
And that's to,
Pay attention less
To, the crap that you like.

Picking flowers to cover graves.
Feels like my heart is doing leaps.
The way it hurts, I would drown deep
Down in grief. Yes I am a slave
In denial, when they'll need me, I'll be gone
Then give a feel of hope.
Of finding me.
But I'll be here, for a good while. Not long.

Shrewd to an imbuement.
The sensation of an experience,
'Qualia' the indorsement of my conscience.
Awesomely, it's an amusement
Cut down the money you be using
'Even to the life-coach has a life'
It's confined yet amusing.

A lesson learned, is a lesson learnt.
I'm still learning,
Apply the means where, necessary
But where?

Yet at one time
Each day.
Was a new adventure
Foremost, a lation.
Guess now we live the same days as yesterday.
Guess things change but never changed
Dawn onto procrastination.

Lost once, never wanted to play again.
Hope I buried the grudge.
So low, not solo. The glow, shines as my leaking blood flows.
I shall ebb on with them, who homeward goes?

When looking at the near future
Do you ever see the positives?
When there's so many bad occurrences
Yet, to be happened.
But then again you're not a fortune teller
So, what are you telling me?
Dimensions like planar.
Everything comes at the right time, how planery.

It's obvious I've been living what I wrote.
Nothing fictional!
Spun the answer around, crammed it
got closer to self.
I steadily give a fuck, sometimes I don't
The 'ONE' whom In which I care for alot
She knows herself.

Why take the highest spot on the podium?
Me now moving. In reciprocation
Hanging on, like heavy clothes on pegs
Discoursed my sins, so I've lost an obligation
But to what?
You'll Giggle, I'll laugh
Try to deride the jape,
I'll retort with quips.

The quality thorough, ill.
I kept walking, though I had that bunion.
Couldn't have bounce
Laying all the pieces out
Eventually left the house
Say it out. loud, over pronounced.

My head was spinning permanently,
I needed a better view
Living in the moment, you've.
been corrupted.

So of all the things we came from
All the things that's left to do.
What is there left to do?
Or what the fuck are you to do?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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