Chapter 8

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You had lunch with the crew and it was great they all said they will come to the house warming party and now your excited. Then I got up to throw away my rubbish when all of a sudden someone ran into my with a tray full of food. I was covered in pasta and rubbish with everyone just snickering and starring.

???: "oops I'm sorry"
Y/n: "wait it's you"
Rebecca: "yes bitch I told you to stay away from my man you whore"
Y/n: "your crazy"
Rebecca (loudly for everyone to hear): "I'm crazy you're the one who is in love with mattia, the only reason he lets you hang around him is because he feels bad for you. Don't you get it your a no one and mattia will never like you so take your weird self somewhere else"
Y/n: "I don't even like mattia"
Rebecca: "then what's we're all those love letters for mattia doing in your locker oh shall I read one out for you"
Y/n: "it's not true tho so"
Rebecca: "oh mattia if only you will Love me like I love you I will give you my heart and soul for just one moment with you, our worlds have collided and inside I'm delighted and I hope you know that I can make your insides excited"

The room filled with laughter and pointing at me

Y/n: "I DONT LIKE MATTIA! And none of that's as true"
Rebecca: "mattia said it himself so I think otherwise"

I looked at mattia hoping he would clear it up but I was wrong to get my hopes up he just looked away embarrassed he's so selfish I don't deserve this. My eyes were beginning to water and I started to panic as the laughter grew louder and louder when my sister and some of the girls from the group came and rushed me to the bathroom. I just broke down sobbing.

Y/n: "I'm so sorry guys you don't have to stay ik your just being nice because we just met"
Victoria: "don't be silly your one of Th e girls now we got you"
Y/n: "thank you so much and I telling the truth I don't like mattia at all I don't even like h as a friend at this point I just wanna punch his face in"
Victoria: "yer I believe you mattia likes to make stuff up sometimes and be a bit of a dick"
Y/n: "I figured"
Victoria: "but it's ok let's just get you fixed up then we can sort it all out later"
Y/n: "thank you for being so nice to me"
Vic: "don't even worry about it"
Marisa: "hey sis you algs?"
Y/n: "yer I'm good you can go"
Marisa: "are you sure"
Vic: "yer we got her dw"
Y/n: "yes I'll be fine go you might be late for class"
Marisa: "ok I'll see you after school"

I finally got all cleaned up and ready for my next class but it was math with mattia. I told myself that I'm not gonna even talk to him this happened because of him and he hasn't even apologise for any of it. He even had the chance to do something about it but he didn't. Stuff mattia and his brown eyes. I arrived to class and everyone was talking about what happened at lunch.

Mattia: "hey are you ok?"
Y/n: "leave me alone"
Mattia: "just tell if your ok"
Y/n: "just leave it ok I would be fine if some stupid tik tok boy would stay out of my life"
Mattia: "I'm sorry pleas.."
Y/n: "save it all I hear is that from you but you can't even finish apologising without getting a big head"
Mattia: "your right I'll leave you for a bit"
Y/n: "that's all I ever wanted from the start"

Mattia POV
Ale and vic told me everything that happened and I feel like crap she really is coping it hard because of what I said. I also heard heaps of stuff around school saying that she had a shrine of me in her room and heaps of crazy rumours. It is because of me so I'll just respect her space at the moment and fully apologise without talking about myself soon. Seeing her puffy eyes and her trying to hide the stains on her shirt made me feel even more worse, so I gave her my jumper. She finally put it on and covered herself in it when I heard sniffles I looked and saw tears streaming down her face. The way her eyes looked when she was crying just made them really stand out and look so beautiful her face just began to look more beautiful by the second with every tear that hugged her cheek to her lips. Wow she pulled a killer move too.

Y/n'a POV
Mattia gave me his jumper and said I could keep it. At first I threw it back at him but he gave it back to me and told me to put it on the hide myself in it. So I did not because I wanted to but because I was gonna cry again and I didn't want to cause a scene. I started crying and I think mattia heard because he just passed me some tissues. But I just pushed them away and put my hand in the sleeve of the jumper and cover my mouth with it.

I finally got home and showered lied in bed and went to sleep. Today was horrible I'm not going to be talking to mattia for a while.

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