Chapter 9

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It's Friday the day of your bbq so your kind of just waiting for school to be over but you head to school. You haven't talked to mattia since what happened at school and he's respected that, you have also been sitting by yourself at lunch to avoid any more confrontation but still continued to get mocked and teased about the fake poem. Not feeling the best and you wear this and go to school.

Schools over and your kind of nervous how this will turn out will anyone come I have to look good right so I begin to help mom cook and bake to prepare for our guest

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Schools over and your kind of nervous how this will turn out will anyone come I have to look good right so I begin to help mom cook and bake to prepare for our guest. We finally finish everything and have an hour before guest arrive to start getting ready.

Marisa: "y/n what are you wearing I'm thinking of just wearing sweats and a jumper"
Y/n: "ahh no this is our first get together and that's your way of impressing guest besides ale and Kai are coming you don't wanna look decent for them do you"
Marisa: "ooo really them here omgsh your right what should I wear I have to impress them"
Y/n: "hmm something stylish"
Marisa: "what are you wearing?"
Y/n: "something casual but sexy at the same time"

You get in the shower and as you do your routine you start performing a little concert, you are a very good singer but your afraid of people judgement so you hide it and only bring it out when forced or when desired.
You leave the bathroom in your room to get changed

???: "I didn't know you can sing?"
Y/n: "AHHH what the hell are you doing in my room mattia!"
Mattia: "oh shit sorry I.. I"
Y/n: "hello!"
Mattia: "oh umm sorry I just came to talk to you about something but ahhh"

I noticed his eyes kept wandering like he couldn't look at me and then I remembered I'm in only a towel!

Y/n: "omgsh I forgot I'm practically naked mattia you have to get out before someone comes in we don't want another situation again"
Mattia: "but I just wanna talk to you I really need to I've been trying to for a while now"
Y/n: "mattia NO! It can wait till I have actual clothes on my body"

I walk towards him grab his hand and start to push him out the door it's really hard to move a 6'1 guy tho and he isn't really going anywhere so I stop and cross my arms and stomp on the floor like a child.

Mattia: "ahh your towel"

I look down and my towel was falling down but I caught it just before a nip slip or anything else

Y/n: "ok seriously get out before someone comes in here"
Mattia: "but it needs to be just us talking"
Y/n: "shut up I'm not talking to you naked now get out of my room"
Mattia: "I mean I can get naked too if ya want ik your a virgin but I can show you a thing or two"
Y/n: "eww mattia how do you, NO that's too far now get out I'm not comfortable right now"
Mattia: "ok ok I'm leaving"

But as he approaches the door I hear my dad in my sisters room telling her to come down we have guest and that he was gonna grab me too.
I immediately tell mattia to get in the closet and hide. *knock knock* I answered the door it was dad as expected.

Dad: "y/n hurry up and get dressed we have guest here"
Y/n: "ok be out soon"

I rush back to the closet

Y/n: "how did you even get in here?"
Mattia: "well I told my parents that I was gonna go early to talk to you and they said they would go early too and yea your sister showed me your room"
Y/n: "ok well I have to get dressed"
Mattia: "no problem I'm not stopping you"
Y/n: "get out mattia"
Marisa: "Y/N!!! I need help what do I wear"
Y/n: "crap she's in my room, don't make a sound"
Marisa: "y/n where are you?"
Y/n: "I'm just getting dressed"

She opens up my closet door and it hit mattia I quickly closed it so she couldn't see anything

Mattia: "ahhh"

I run to him and put my hand over his mouth to keep him quiet

Marisa: "ahh what was that noise why won't you let me in?"
Y/n: "you hit me with the door get out I'm getting changed I'll come help you after"

She finally left and mattia and I were still in those positions. My half naked body pressed against his. His hands had wrapped around my waist and pulling me in and my hands slowly left his mouth flowing down his chest. Ok at that moment I had him and he had me but I still couldn't get over the fact that he hurt me. So I pushed myself off him.

Y/n: "oh umm I'm sorry, didn't.."
mattia: "no no no don't be your not the one who needs to apologise, I just came to talk just the two of us I'll wait outside the closet for you to get dressed and we can talk"
Y/n: "oh ok thank you"

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