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Mikasa's pov

As much as I want to tell him I.. Can't, I just can't. Were about to enter wall rose as the operation to capture the Female Titan failed. As I keep repeating in my head "As long I have you Eren,I'll never give up". As I squeeze his hand tighter. Once we entered Eren has awoke. Where am I.... As Eren panics. "Eren!!" Relax please as I said. But the Female operation as Eren says. "It failed". As i mumbled.

Eren's Pov"

How am I still here all I remember was battling the Female titan, I thought I was done for. Unless Mikasa... Saved "Eren!!" As Mikasa interrupted. I'm glad your okay Mikasa said softly. As the Hatred crowd passes by us I can feel Mikasa holding my hand tighter every minute as if she doesn't want to let go. All I could do in the moment was cry while stare in Mikasa's eye. As it seemed to be a forever ride to the interior it soon came to a stop. As I let go of Mikasas hand,I try to make my way to captain Levi for further orders. My mind just slipped when I heard Mikasa call me from a distance. "Eren your hurt, let me help" mikasa said. Why help!! As I went on. Why do u care so much mikasa, I can take care of myself!! I... Mikasa said. You what Mikasa!! I'm not your kid brother and were not family!! as I shouted."Eren only if there was a easier way to tell you" Mikasa said calmly. As soon When mikasa has just said that I just seemed confused. Before I got the chance to tell her anything, my name was yelled out by captain Levi. I respond by saying "sir". "Go clean the cafteria, turns out Sasha had another potato attack with Connie & Jean.Turns out Sasha attacked Jean for him taking her potato and Connie tried to help which started a mess as Levi says calmly. But captain Levi as I say. "No buts Eren, don't make me raise my voice over a scum like you". "Yes Sir" as Eren walks to the cafeteria. "I Don't know what you see in him" as Levi said to Mikasa. At the moment Mikasa blushed and says"He's family". "Yeah nice cover up, as you should know Ackermann I'm no fool" Levi said. Mikasa had nothing to say but blush. Whatever as Levi walked away.

Mikasas POV:

As soon as the short captain left I walked to the cafeteria to check on Eren. All I can do is just stare at him. "Eren, only if you knew" as I keep repeating in my head. I put my head down but I just couldn't resist but think of Eren. All it matters is that he's fine now. As I hear footsteps coming I just know its trouble. As I look up I see Sasha. As always I'm right trouble with potato girl. I have no one else to say this to but Shasha owes me from when I sliced the Titans neck back at Trost District. As Sasha said to me, "Are you okay". I respond by telling Sasha to meet me in our bunkroom tonight where its just the two of us. As Sasha says okay I spend the remainder of my time staring at Eren as he cleans. As soon as I enter our cabin Sasha jumps ups and asks "what is it that we need to talk about". I first said to her not to tell anyone and she agreed. I start off by saying I like someone. As Sasha gasp and asked dramatically "Who is he! As I blush and softly say "Eren" after a few seconds. Right after I say Erens name Sasha softly says my name and shouts " THATS ADORABLE". As Sasha asks why I like Eren I first started to tell her the Day I met Eren. It was when me and Eren were 9, we- "WAIT" as Sasha interrupted. She soon grabbed a sack of baked potato's under her bed and tells me to continue. The day me and Eren met was the day my parents were killed from murders. Eren risked his life for me. As I was pinned on the floor Eren soon stabbed 2 of the murders. After he untied me he was pinned and was being strangled to death by the other murder. As Eren told me to "fight". I soon realized we were in a cruel world. I stabbed the man with the knife as Eren not only showed me how to live but to not give up. As long as if I have my scarf and my heart, Eren will always be with me. I love E- Sasha interrupted with her crying. As I look up I see Sasha full of tears. I tried to make a run for it but Shasha pulled me down and hugged me where I couldn't breathe. I tried to resist but Sasha just made it harder for me as she squeezed me tighter. The moment I blinked I wasn't in the cabin but in a dark gloomy forest.



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