Chapter I

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I woke lying on a patch of grass, 'Where am I?' I thought, I get up trying to find out where am I.

I walked around town, getting some weird stares from people,

I wondered around for an hour or so until i bumped into someone, I lost my balance and fell down "Oh sorry I didn't see you there" I look up to see a freckled man with brown curly locks and a ponytail, he wore a blue coat that looked like something from the 18th century "No, it's okay it should be me apologize, I should've looked where I was going" the man chuckled, and grabbed my hand to pull me up, I thank him.

"What's your name?" the man asked "Y/N, Y/N L/N, and yours?" I asked "John, John Laurens" the guy said "Question, what year is it?" I asked "It's 1776, why do you ask" he said 'How did I get in the 18th century' I thought , my mind was going everywhere to how I got here and how to get back home, I was cut off from my thoughts when John said something.

"Not to be rude, but what are you wearing" John asked 'Oh shoot I forgot jeans and tank tops weren't invented yet' I thought "Well....." I said trying to find an excuse "Are does the only clothes you have? "he asked pointing at my clothes "Heh, yeah....." I said "I have a friend that's a tailor, it'll be easy to pay for it" he offered "No no it's ok" I declined, he kept insisting so I just gave in "Fine" I gave up "Yay, let's go" he said grabbing my hand and intertwined our fingers and walked off to opposite direction we were.

~At Hercules's Shop~

"Here we are" John said, as we arrived at a shop, he opened the door and greeted the man that was at the counter "Hey Herc" John greeted "Hey Laurens" the man greeted John, the man had dark skin and a bandanna and tailor suit (Sorry I'm bad at explaining) "Who's that?" the man asked "Oh, I forgot to introduce you to Y/N, Y/N this is Hercules, Hercules, Y/N" John introduced us to each other "So what do you guys need?" Hercules asked "Some clothes for Y/N" John answered "Ok, just pick any dress and I'll just take your measurements to make it fit better" Hercules said. I explored the shop trying to find a dress that suit me eventually I found one that was perfect.

(You can change the color if you want) I grabbed it off the rack and showed it to the tailor, he approved and told me I can change in the changing room, he'd stitch it up to make it fit, he gave me a corset and I went into the changing room

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(You can change the color if you want) I grabbed it off the rack and showed it to the tailor, he approved and told me I can change in the changing room, he'd stitch it up to make it fit, he gave me a corset and I went into the changing room

After 10 painful minutes later I got the corset on (A/N God why in the hells worth did i write that), and put on the dress, it felt a little loose around the but other than that it was perfect. I pulled the curtains away, I walked back to the main store, and saw the man the man talking to John, John noticed me and smiled.

"Wow you look beautiful" John said astonished, I chuckled, when he realized what he said he blushed a bright crimson red "I-I mean t-that dress looks beautiful on you" he stuttered, Hercules chuckled while John was a blushing mess.

"Could you stand on that platform for me to take your measurements so i can stitch it up" he said pointing to a wooden platform, I went up the platform, and he took my measurements, while that was happening John kept staring at me, I was deep I thought when I heard Hercules say something.

"All done, it'll take a minute to stitch it up so just wait" he said snapping me out of my thoughts, after a minute the dress fit perfectly "Thank you, how much will that cost?" I asked the man.

"Don't worry, it's free" he said "Are you sure?" "Yeah, plus I doubt you even have any money" he said, well that was r00d "Thank you very much" he chuckled "Well, you should get back to your boyfriend" I blushed a bright red when he said that "Uhh he's not my boyfriend" I replied back quite embarrassed "I was just joking with you" he playfully smacked my shoulder "Well I should get going, bye" I waved the man a goodbye, but before I left I heard him whisper something under his breath. I thought nothing of it and went out the store, to see the one and only......

Lin Manuel Miranda

Jk I saw John holding a turtle, but I wish that was Lin.

Wow that was a lot 826 words
Well tell me what do you think this is my first Fanfic so sorry if there's any mistakes hope you still liked it though

Trash Author

Status: Edited

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