Eltons sexy bday party

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Hey y'all I know this is like 5 days after Elton's bday but oh well I've never had a party on my real bday either!!!!!

Paul's POV

WHATS UP MY FREAKY SEXY BUTTHOLES?!?!? Today I'm going to Elton's birthday party!! I hope ace and peter ask him to be one of their bridesmaids! Anyways, I have to do my hair in a sexy way, and so does gene.

"pppaaauul where is my hairspray?!?" Gene said. I threw a can of hairspray at him and heard a shriek.

    "PAUL DID YOU BREAK MY NOSE?!" Gene screamed.

   "Well maybe i did, maybe I didn't," I said. I hope I didn't break his nose! It's too sexy!!

   Anyways like 2 hours passed, and it was finally time to go!!! Ouch!!!! BUTTHOLE CRAMP!!!!!

   Ok so I packed Elton's present, which was actually just the suit I stole from him when we went to the 'Dick Bagger Wedding Special'.

Ace pulled up in a sexy car, and it had me and genes face on the front. Wait a minute... it wasn't just our faces!! It was us getting jiggy!!! Yayayay

So me and gene went into the car, and for some reason the inside was freakishly giant, and then will smith appeared from under the seat and was like,

"Gettin' jiggy wit it" and that's the story of how our first car concert went down. So anyways we arrived to Elton's house, and he looked so sexy!! But like oviously not as sexy as me and gene.

"I stan your car!" Elton said.

"Thank you!!!" Me and gene said. We walked into his house and everyone we like was there!! I bet something's gonna go wrong soon though since whenever me and gene walk into a room together, a negative energy strikes all who draw near.

I saw Elvis and Johnny. Aaaa we love them.

"I THINK IM PREGERNEANT" Johnny screamed.

   "CONVRATULATIONS!!!" I said back.

Someone started explosively sharting on the ground. By the smell, I could tell it was ace. Oh well, they don't call him 'Shartin' Fartin' Ace' for nothin!!

Aces pov


Peters pov

Ugh so ace is being a little embarrassing?!?!? Whatever I love him anyways!! Oh my butthole! Look it's elton!!

"Hi elton wanna be my bridesmaid?" I said.

  "Yes!!!!" He said back. Yayayayyay!!

"Can we open presents?" Freddie asked. He's been wanting Elton to open his present for like a million years.

"Sure!!" Elton said.

Genes POV

Sorry I couldn't leave it on peters pov for that long, I need some attention 4 myself baby!! so that's why we switched to my pov!! I'm sexy sexy sexy sexy sexy

So we gathered around Elton as he was about to open his presents. Roger and Brian skadoodled into the room holding a sexy large cake. Then the birth worship chanting began.

"HHHHHAAAAAAPPPPPYYYY BBBBIIIIRRRRTRRRHHHHDDDAAAAYYYYY TTYTPPOOOO YYYYYOOOOUUU" everyone sang horrendously slow. Literally no one sings the birthday song good. Even Freddie had 69 voice cracks!!

After that was done, Elton ate most of the cake and barely left any for us, but then Johnny snagged the last piece of cake and went

"Sorry! Eating for two now!!"

Ughh so unnesasry?!?! Whatever.
So Elton started opening Freddie's present, and it was the thing he always wanted!! 'The Sexy Feather Scarf and Flashy Glasses Container 3000' !! Elton screamed becuase he was so happy.

Then Elton opened up me and Paul's present. It was a sexy sparkly suit! Wait a minute, I recognize that suit?!?! It's the one paul stole from Elton and wore to dick baggers wedding!!!

"Oh lawdy mama!!" Elton said sexily. "This reminds me of this one outfit I had!! It's beautful"

Oh em gee thank god he didn't realize what it really was. Then he opened other peoples presents and it was so sexy. I couldn't stop smelling Paul's hair it smelled too good.

All the sudden Bruce kulick creeped beneath the shadows. "PANTIEEESS!!!" He screamed as he flung underwear at elton for a bday present. Elton screamed in terror.

"Where?!?!" Tommy Thayer said as he also creeped beneath the shadows.

"EVERYWHEREEE!!!!" Bruce replied. Then the Beatles started singing 'here there and everywhere'. While everyone was distracted, Paul went into Elton's room and permanently borrowed a pair of shoes. And it was amazing!! Aaaa this was such a fun party!! I hope elton has another birthday soon!!

Thanks every body!!!!! For reading this!!!! I Stan you all!!!

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