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"Meet me, Nate." She whispered over the phone.


Nate looks out of his penthouse window that viewed the city. It was Sunday morning, and the rain was coming down. It was the middle of October, the leaves have already changed, and he could see the auburn leaves on the trees in the park. Alex picked out their apartment because she loved how she could see the woods and trees from above, "Think when the leaves change in the fall, babe. It'll be beautiful, I know it." He smiled. Alex was right, it was beautiful, and he wished she was here to see. She would be snuggled on the couch right now, drinking her favorite lavender tea and listening to the rain come down as Ella Fitzgerald played in the background. Alex loved jazz and probably would have been a jazz singer if she could sing at all. Even when she sounded like a cat thrown in the water, he loved how happy music made her. 


What started as an ordinary day would turn into the beginning of their future for Alex and Nate. The day Alex's family moved in would change that community forever, especially Nate Taylor. He remembers it like it was yesterday...


The day before his 7th birthday, Nate had been playing outside when a giant moving truck pulled up into the driveway of the red brick house next door. It was late March, and much of the flowers and trees started blooming from the rain they have been getting recently. As a black minivan pulled up next to the moving truck, Nate noticed a little girl sitting the back. Realizing that she also saw him, he waved and smiled, causing the young girl to freeze and quickly turn away.

"Nate, honey, where are you?" he heard his mother say from inside the home. "Nate," she called again as she walked to the door. Following his eyes, she saw the moving truck.

"Oh, we have new neighbors!" she became frantic when she realized she had her apron on and flour still on her face.

"I'll be right back, Nate. I need to clean up before I speak to the new neighbors," she quickly turned inside.

Nate had his gaze kept on the little girl who was now getting out of the minivan. The young girl's mother had been seeing that someone was looking at them. As she turned, she saw who had caught her daughter's attention, the young boy next door. They looked about the same age, and he was smiling and waving at her daughter, which made her smile. Walking behind, she gently nudged her daughter, "Alex, wave back at that boy, you know better than that."

Being startled by her mother, Alex waved, at the green-eyed boy who was waving at her again. As soon as she waved back, the boy began running to their direction.

"Hi, I'm Nate. My birthday is tomorrow, do you want to come to my party?" he asked excitedly. Alex began turning towards her mother when a voice called out.

"Nate, honey. What are you doing?" Asked his mother as she walked up to the three of them.

"I'm so sorry. This is Nate, my oldest as you see he's not afraid of new people. My name is June; this is my youngest, Noah." she said, lifting the toddler she was holding. "Welcome to the neighborhood!"

Nate starred at the young girl across him with the smoothest brown skin he'd seen. Her skins glowed in the sun. She had on a yellow shirt and white shorts; her hair was in two puffs. Nate reached out and gave Alex the sunflower he had picked up right before the van pulled in. She smiled. Sunflowers are her favorite.

End of flashback

Nate shook off the memory as he thought about how everything went between them and what happened. He was on a mission to win her back no matter what.

He has to go back in time and make this right before it is too late for them.

Nate walked over to his couch, typed in May 7th, 2005, onto his watch, and sat down. The countdown began; he was going to go back and fix this.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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