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A/N--- I listened to Lemon Boy over and over while writing this :l


Paul had finally dropped his cigarette. In front of him was the one that Made Tord lose his arm. The one that cost them basically everything. "Ya? Who are you?" The man in blue answered. Paul practically had to gasp for air. 

"Y-You-" He panted, coughing. Tom looked confused. "W-why would you want to- to talk to Him?" He asked. "Like I said, I have Eye Cancer." Tom shrugged, not wanting to say the real reason to why he wanted to come here. 

"Why would he care?" Paul finally caught his breath, smoothing down his shirt. "I used to love him, he might still love me." Tom said softly. Paul once again stared at him, dumbfounded. 'His son is Gay? How come he never told Him or Pat that?' Paul thought. 

"Ok, I'll get him. Calm your tiddies." Paul said, trying to joke.  Tom frowned, crossing his arms. Paul got his radio out to get Pat on board. One plane trip to Norway later, He was standing in front of Tord and Pat. a long conversation later, Paul looks on, focused on the final minutes of the trip. "Pat, radio them to tell them we are landing." Paul looks at Pat for a split second, who nods back before doing what is asked.

Once landed, they follow Tord down the ramp, and as they do so, multiple people come in to get the cargo. "So, Tord. You WILL talk to Tom, Right?" Paul asks His adopted son. Tord smiles. "Why else would I be here?" He asks.

Tord prov.

Tord sighed heavily, fiddling his thumbs together. "It'll be ok, Tord. He looked like he wanted something, though." Paul said, Making Tord Jolt in surprise at the voice. "Really nervous?" Pat asks, smiling softly at Tord. Tord smirks back, words coming to his lips. "Me? Pfft! Never!" 

Tord could hear the Nervousness in his Words, betraying him. "Really?" Pat asks, Raising an eyebrow at the words.  "Y-Yep!" Damn his stutter. 

Well, that's ruined, they know he is nervous, and he should probably crawl under a rock and d-


Tord snapped his head up, and all nervousness went away. It was quickly replaced by concern. "T-Tom?" Tord rushed to Tom's side, touching the rims of his eyes softly. "Your...Eyes..." He whispered, looking at them closely.

"That is what I wanted to talk to you about, Tord." Tom said, voice cracking. Tord looked at him, stepping back.

"One adventure, I met my future self. He had some sort of goggles on that let him see. He said He got this from Eye cancer." Tom explained in a rush. "Could you make the same thing for me?" 






"Wait- Really?"

"If you work beside me."


"Deal or no?"


Tord smiled, now that he had won.  Paul groaned, Burrowing his hands in his face. "Why is my son like this?" He muttered to himself. Tord looked at Paul. "Because I can be, Paul." He teased, Then said something through the radio. 

"Alright, lets get you home" Tord said, Looking at Tom. Tom nodded, Smirking. "Which one?"

"What do you mean?"

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