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People really take sight for granted. When I could see, I'd see people pass by rivers, trees, through waves of clear and cloudy skies. Sunsets, sunrises, people's faces. I want to tell them now, to slow down and really see it, see me, see each other. See because you can.




One flash of a smile, it haunts me even after he leaves for the day. I watch as he is enveloped by the foliage of the exit, the doors slamming, signaling his departure for the day. The day was one of the lease eventful, and he promised to help me after school tomorrow with chemistry, but my chest feels tight. Almost like when you are having a panic attack and you can't catch your breath, and all you can think about is your heart beat.

Except there was no panic attack to warrant the way I feel right now. Absolutely nothing to be upset about. In fact, I have a handsome boy I get to spend the night with tonight, but I am never satisfied with things within my reach, no. I only want what I can't have, what I can't bare to get for myself. Explains why I am such a fuck up.

"Stop feeling sorry about yourself, and get in the car." Seonghwa tosses me my own keys from who knows where, I never remember giving them to him in the first place. We are outside, wind blowing around his perfectly styled hair, and he sighs in discontent. Once we are both in the car he pats his hair down, pulling out the car mirror to check himself out before focusing back on me

"So are you going to drive or what? Youngjo will be over at 5, and I still need to get dressed for tonight."

"Yeah, back to the hoe agenda." I shift the car into drive and head out of the parking lot, almost hitting a freshman on the way out. We're both unbothered. "Hey Hwa, have you ever thought of, I don't know, drawing back on the other guys while you and Yeosang are getting serious?" I regret bringing it up once I do, but he only gets huffy, crossing his arms and looking out the passenger window.

"I thought I told you to mind your own business." His voice cuts through my heart, and I can't help but feel a little bad.

"And I just might, if you didn't say everything you could about me to San."

"Who said I said anything. I was extremely vague. Why do you care what he thinks about you anyway? He's literally blind. He's nice to have around, but that's the extent of it."

"Look San isn't the point. I just don't want you to get hurt if Yeosang gets upset that you haven't even slowed down since he's been gone."

"Fuck, what do you want me to do, Woo? I'm fucking addicted." The tone of the entire conversation shifts dramatically, and I press the gas a little harder so we can arrive at his house sooner.

"Hey, Hwa, look at me." I spare him a glance before looking back at the road, but I feel his eyes on me, and I place a steady hand on his knee. "Yeosang can help you, and when he's gone, let's do something else instead of the bar. I want to help you." Seonghwa's house appears after a quick turn and I park, finally allowing the attention to center on my friend.

"Look, you can't do anything about it, it's my problem, and I'm content in it. Don't pretend you're any different." He says that with the impression that I actually go home with every guy I make out with at the bar. I only lost my virginity end of Junior year, Seonghwa's been at it since the beginning of Sophomore year, with a frequency I could never match.

"Hwa, reason with me. So we'll cut back, and we'll talk to Yeosang. Because I know he cares about you too. He'll be back in May, and we'll all hang out together, do something a little more normal." It felt good to focus on other people's problems, especially with Seonghwa. His problems always felt especially real to me, though, our attachment something I've never felt with anyone else. "Let's go get ready."

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