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There are too many times when this whole thing become too real. Like maybe I deserved it, I don't deserve to see the world because I'm not good enough for it. Maybe the world would be better off without me.




"You decided to show up today, how nice." Seonghwa's hand is the first to catch my attention, and he sits down in front of me with the most unimpressed expression I have ever seen in his entire life. "You're a fuck up, you know that?"

"Hypocrite." I retort wishing he'd get off my case. 

"Don't start with me."

"Fine, what do you want? Just to yell at me until I leave? What are you so upset about anyway?" I don't enjoy Seonghwa's accusatory tone right off the bat, and I am evidently upset. I wish the whole call yesterday never happened. 

"I know you don't care who is affected by your words, but I care. Especially when San was beating himself up about it yesterday."

"I didn't think he'd care-" I knew I blew up yesterday, but I was so out of control, and I wasn't thinking straight. I don't completely know how to tell Seonghwa that though, I don't want him to know why being friends with San is so complicated. 

"Look, I'm tired of being mad at you, but be the bigger person before he apologizes for nothing." The tired look on his face shows it hurt him just as much as he is claiming it hurt San.

"Hwa, I don't even remember what I said on that call."

"You can't just say you want to fucking help me, then go be a hoe behind my back. You're not helping." Of course, I promised him I'd cut it back for his sake, I'm such an idiot. 

"I was angry, at San, and the way I was feeling." I try to explain without revealing how much I fucking need Choi San to be mine, but my voice shakes. 

"How were you feeling? because it sounds like you said mean shit for no good reason." He is getting slightly angrier, but his voice stays steady and calm, something I envy in him. I see his eyes soften when I pull him into a hug.

"Let's talk later? Not at school?" He nods and runs a shaking hand through his hair. I've never seen him so on edge, it must be hard on him to withstand not fucking some stranger senseless for even a night. Before he can verbally answer, San appears from the hallway leading up to our table. He must remember where we always sit, because he pulls a chair up and stares at us both almost like he can see us.

"I think I'll have to start using your locker, Seonghwa." He says finally snapping out of his trance. 

"Hwa, what did you fucking do to him?" I fully process the god sitting in front of me.

"Fuck, is it weird?" He pats his clothes down, and I sit there basically drooling at how hot he looks. The cut on the sweater shows so much of his chest I feel dizzy. 

"Yes I gave you a neon green sweater with clown pants." Seonghwa says tiredly, patting San on the back and San looks back at him like he entirely believes him, but he is reassured quickly. "No San, you look fucking hot."

"Wooyoung I-" He stammers, and I smile against my will. 

"Come on let's go, and leave Seonghwa alone. You've been spending too much time with him." I glare at Seonghwa before pulling San up by the arm and motioning for him to follow me. 

"We're talking later Wooyoung, I swear if you say anything stupid!" 

"Bye, Hwa!" I wave, flipping him off as I leave with San. 

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