Neighbor Meets The New Manager

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3rd POV

Kenji was mourning a bit because he knew that today was the day Charles was leaving. He knows not to brood about it, but it's like his second father was leaving. He can't help but not look forward to it.

"Charles, do you have to—well, do you have to go, forever?" Kenji pouts. "Kenji, I'm most likely not going to get my job back here if I did come back" "how about this, you don't go at all? Isn't that a great plan??" Charles sighs and puts his hand on Kenji's shoulder. It's like speaking to an 18-year-old.

"Look, I know this is hard on you. But I need to do this. It's time for this old-timer to move on, do more in his life, you know? I want to live with my wife and have kids, go on trips, do stuff. I'm not saying I couldn't do that with you guys since you are like my children. But this is different. Do you understand?" Kenji slowly nods. Charles pats him.

"Now, I thought you might as well meet the new manager now before I leave. Just in case not so pleasant things go down when you two meet," Charles whispers. Kenji looks at him. "Why would we not get along? What makes you think that?" Charles coughs a bit. "I know how you get when you feel someone is replacing another that you care about—to put, you act coldly. At least for a while, sooo...." Kenji's mouth goes into an 'o' shape as he realizes what Charles meant.

Yeah, Kenji has been known to act a bit cold to the new people who come in after someone he cares about leaves. In his mind, they will never be close as to those before them. He hates replacements.

Knock knock!

Charles nods knowingly. "There he is now," he goes over to the door. Kenji breathes in, getting himself ready to act friendly and polite to someone who will never be as good as Charles, ever. Yeah, he can be petty; who said he wasn't??

"Hey man, nice to see you; I'm glad you could come!" Charles greets the new landlord. "Hey, thanks for having me, Mr. Price. I'm delighted to come early and see who I'm dealing with," he chuckles. Charles laughs. "Well, I have a little rascal here today; why not come in and meet him?" "Oh yes! I would love to!" The unknown guy exclaims.

Kenji quietly watches them. He watches Charles move aside, and the new guy comes into view. Kenji is stunned into even more silence.

Kenji's POV

OH MY GOD. I MEAN—SHIT. THIS NEW GUY IS HOT, HOT, HOT! I physically slap myself.


..."Are you okay, Kenji? You just slapped yourself?" Charles asks, concerned.

The new guy agrees to that.

I shake my head, fuck. Making a fool of myself on the new day for this dude.

"Yes, I'm okay. Sorry about that. I don't know where my head is," I fix my hair and straighten myself up.

I extend my hand out to the new guy, "Hello, I'm Kenji Park. It's nice to meet you." He shakes my hand, "Hi, I'm Ryan Keller. Pleasure to make your acquaintance," he replies. I die, his hand—

Third POV

Charles smiles, watching the two become friends. He really hopes they stay friendly towards each other, and lord knows how it would be a disaster if they didn't get along.

Kenji doesn't stop holding Ryan's hand by accident. Ryan doesn't seem to mind as he continues as well.

After about 15 minutes of that, Charles decides to break it. "Hey, lovers, if you don't mind my interrupting your session. I would suggest that you guys go walk around. Kenji, give him a tour and introduce him to the tenants, okay? I need to continue packing up here. And you can keep holding hands if it helps." Charles starts laughing when they both start blushing and remove their hands.

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