What Am I Doing...

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It's been a couple of days since I saw Kenji--no, I have not been avoiding him! Just been busy... Yeah, I got TONS of college work and shiz to do, sooooo-

I throw my finished homework into the closet. If Kenji comes around, I can't let him see that. It's my only excuse--


I lean against the wall, struggling to understand myself and this situation.

I guess I don't want to see him in fear this "little" side of mine will come out, and I'll act all weird again and do shit that I'll regret hours after. I still can't believe I got so clingy on him. Ugh.

I suppose I can't do much now, though, just go about my own business mostly. I let out a sigh and walk to my kitchen area. My stomach lets out a growl.

"Yes, I know I didn't feed you earlier. I was too busy panicking. But I'll feed you now, so chill." I say to my stomach, opening the fridge.

Right when I'm about to take out something, the door rings. I flinch at the sound. NO, NO WAY. NO, NO, NO!

I run straight back into my room and lock the door before jumping under the covers. Maybe I'm being dramatic, but if Kenji sees I'm not here, he won't end up coming in and seeing me!


I hear it ring a few times and then it goes silent.


Hmmm, maybe he left??



"KC, are you in there?!" Kenji shouts from outside the door. This godda--why the heck did he yell that? If I can hear it from my bedroom and under my covers, imagine how loud it was from where he was. All of our neighbors must think he's crazyyyy. I sure do-

I don't hear anything after a while...

"Phew, that took longer than I liked," I say, getting out of my blanket. I decided to walk out back to my kitchen to do what I was GOING to do in the first place. "Hope he doesn't come back."

I spot the thing I was going to eat earlier, before the INTERRUPTION. My stomach growls. "I know, I know," I whisper.

I jump when I hear jingling from somewhere. "What the hell-"


"KC, you in here?" I hear what I think is the new manager's voice-- Wait, why is it so clear, and why is he here...

I'm about to say something back when I hear another voice.

"Sorry, man, for making you do this. He deserves his privacy, but I've just been worried all week, and I'm sure he's been in here at some point. I just don't want to find him dead and be too late, you know?"

Fucking hell, Kenji went so far as to get the manager to come and check-in? NOT ONLY THAT, he brought him so he could get into my APARTMENT. Goddamn, bastard. Damn it! I have nowhere to hide!

"No worries, dude, and more than a week have you been worrying. Don't think I haven't noticed," Ryan replies with a chuckle. Uh well, when I said it was a couple of days, I meant...

I hear a cough from who I know is Kenji. Ugh. Stop having a whole ass conversation after entering my apartment without my consent, okay? I could be dead, and you all are having a good time, geez. MIGHT AS WELL DANCE ON MY DEAD BODY, WHY NOT?

I jump when I hear a creak. DID THEY LEAVE POSSIBLY????

"His bedroom door isn't locked but he isn't inside it. Check the kitchen, I'll check the bathroom," Ryan says. I guess that's a no— "Although, I do wonder that if he is here, why wouldn't he answer already?" Ryan adds after a second. "Because he could be passed out or dead, that's why this is concerning!" Kenji replies. I can't help but roll my eyes at his overprotective tone.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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