everything for her

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Mable POV:
I was string on the back sit with dipper on my side blood rolling on his head I feel dizzy and close my eyes

(+-: in 2 minutes they arrived at the gravityfalls hospital-+/()

I  woke up on the hospital bed I sit up trying to resist the pain on my head I hope dipper was fine

  'I need to find dipper" I thought and get off on the bed I ran to the nurse who was going to look at me to see I'm fine

"Excuse me miss but do you know where mason pine was?"

"Yes... At room 302 at 3 floor" she answers I nod and thank her

I walk around trying to find a elevator...2 minutes from walking I finally saw a elevator I ran to it but before I win to it I bump to someone

"I'm sorry" I bowed to the one I bump into

"Mable what are you doing here?" I look up to see pacifica

"Hey pacifica?" I greet her more like ask her

" I thought you're going back to you're home?" She question me

" I don't have time for this pacifica I need to go to 3 floor "


"Dipper was hurt I need to go to him quickly " I say and run to the elevator fast as I could I click the botton making the elevator door open I went inside and click no 3 on the bottons the  door shut and I feel my self went up in a seconds I heard the 'ting' sound signing I'm on where I'm going the door open and of course I got out of it I run and look around finding the room 302 when I found it I open it reveling dipper laid on the  hospital bed unconscious

I walk to him
and sit by his side "oh.. Dip n'dots I'm sorry its my fault you sacrificed you're self just for me.. Its all my fault I should be the one who laid there not you " I didn't know tears so many tears rolled down to my face I laid my head on dippers hand and squish it
"I-i-its not y-you're fault ma-Mable" I quickly look up seeing dipper smelling

O my god he's awake I can't help my self from happiness I jump to him and hug him tightly "c-can't b-breath" he said weakly "oh sorry bro-bro!" I let go of him giving him air on the mask? I think? Meh I don't know what that thing called "I'm so so so so happy you're awake!!" I cried from happiness he gave me a weakly smile "you know dipper you should not risk you're life for me... I don't want to loose you!" He only gave me a weak chuckle making me pissed "I meant it bro bro " I huff angry but still happy

"You know I will do anything just to make sure you're safe" he said while giving me a smile

" you almost die in my arms i cant live without you bro-bro I will totally kill myself if you die..."

Dipper POV:
"you almost die in my arms I can't live without you bro-bro  I will totally kill myself if you die..."

My eyes widen on her word she would literally kill herself!!

"This really going to be hard..I'm not staying to his side forever because I made a deal to that dorito'

" I love you bro-bro" she said squishing my hand I smile

"I love you too sis"I said giving her words back I really going to do everything just to make her happy

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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