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hi guys!! this is one of my first fanfics. it's an au where brody and marlon confess in the basement and aj never shoots marlon. this chapter is a modified version of the bell tower scene in the walking dead: the final season with clem and violet. i'll definitely be continuing this story soon, and don't worry, it won't be exactly like the game!

if you haven't watched/played telltale's the walking dead series i'd seriously recommend it! if you'd like to just continue reading, check out my profile for the twd seasons recap to understand what took place before this au.


"God, I'd give an eyeball for a chicken nugget right now," says Violet.

I shake my head and laugh. "A chicken nugget?"

"No, no, two chicken nuggets."

I smile to myself, digging my fingers into a notch in the rocks of the bell tower walls. We were climbing up to get a better view of the school after a hearty game of Truth or Dare. Violet mentioned that she always came to the bell tower to decompress.

I find myself hoping that maybe Violet's bringing me up here for something else, and not just to survey the school. I keep pushing away the thought of liking her- she seems so distant sometimes that it's hard to think that Violet's capable of liking anyone. Nonetheless, she seems to be warming up to me and has even complimented me a few times. My heart flutters at the thought of Violet having feelings for me.

I test a brick in the wall by pulling it slightly to see if it'll give. It doesn't, and I use it as leverage to pull myself up to the metal beams that support the bell tower. I plant my feet on one of the beams. I cringe at the thought of falling from this height. It would be embarrassing, not to mention that I'd probably die.

I pull myself up again, using the tower's frame as support. Almost there.

I reach the window, surprised to see that Violet's standing there waiting for me. She holds out her hand, and I take it. She hoists me up, and I let out a sigh of relief when my feet are firmly planted on  Her fingers are warm and soft, despite the years of work they've been put under. I meet her eyes and smile.

She smiles back, green eyes bright and shiny in the bright moon's afterglow. Her hand lingers on mine before she turns around, walking towards the steps leading to the top of the walls. We walk along the railing and stop near the middle of the wall where the railing is broken.

"It's beautiful up here," I say softly, craning my neck so that I could take in all the stars.

She follows my gaze. "Sometimes I need the quiet. Just to get away for a while."

She sits down, letting her feet dangle off of the edge of the wall. I do the same, but not as daringly.

"Do you know any constellations?" I ask, trying to make out shapes in the stars.

"Nope. You?"

"I learned some in school, but I can't remember them."

"Let's make some up." She shifts a little closer to me, gesturing at the sky. "If I remember right, everyone's born under a special sign, right? It determines your personality."

"That's astrology, not astronomy," I point out with a smirk.

"Whatever, let's just make up our own," she says quickly. "Rules, signs, what it says about you. It's not like anyone remembers the old way."

She has a point.

"Okay, let's do it. There, see? It's a fish." She points at a cluster of stars in the night sky.

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