The remembrance

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I am super excited to meet  Grandma!  

Well  actually I haven't  seen her in ages. The last time I saw her was when I was only five, so it has been 13 years now that I finally get to meet her again. Oh God! I could just remember the taste of her delicious curries they were so mouth watering and how could I forget the stories she told me?!  They were so amazing I would just cuddle the pillow and listen  with fascination . Grandma  would give me anything! I mean anything but accept for one thing , it was an  old  discoloured necklace of a snake, but I can't remember anything else all I can remember is that she treasured it. This definitely is important to her, why else would a old necklace be so precious? I mean would you keep a old discoloured necklace if it wasn't so precious? because I certainly wouldn't. 

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