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I wake up early in the morning, today we're going to Pradnya's house I thought to myself whilst hearing  chattering and laughter so I make my way to find out what's going on. As I walk I could hear it was coming from Nithya's room, I walk in to see, my mouth drops with amazement everyone looked so nice even Grandma despite her being old she was wearing a expensive saree( dress) too!

" Oh Nora come in, I didn't wanna wake you ." Said Aunt Raja

" Oh is fine, everyone looks so nice !" I replied

" I know, why don't you get dress, and I'll tell pooja to do your hair." Aunt Raja said

I leave the room to get changed, After getting dress pooja comes in with a comb and a belt.

'' Aka(sister) Im gonna do a very nice hairstyle on you!" She said with joy

" I can't wait to see!" I bellowed

'' Oh Aka should lakshmi Aka(sister) do  your makeup?" She questioned

 "No is fine, I can do it myself" I Replied

After my hair was done I look in the mirror to see my long thick  hair, it  was out and there was a twist on the side and my  burgundy makeup look to match my expensive saree(dress).

'' Come on let's go Nora!" Grandma said

'' Ok im nearly done.'' I said with frustration

"Here there's your beautiful jewelry" Grandma said 

I turn around to get them, I could see that  Grandma was staring at me .

'' Oh my, you look so beautiful Nora." Grandma said

"Thank you!" I said with happiness

I put my jewelry on like my diamond ring and a gold necklace.

When I finished I went outside and saw a rickshaw waiting for me, We needed three Rickshaw because there was a lot of us going, In the Rickshaw I was going with  there was Lakshmi Pooja and Grandma.

As the Rickshaw start we left the village I could see children playing , cows on the field and  the beauty of India and how I would miss the experience when I go back.

We arrived I get off the rickshaw and see a massive garden and a huge house, well one thing for sure  the house was way bigger than Grandma's house and Aunt Raja. The beautiful garden with flowers sparkled on my eyes it was so massive and yet so beautiful.

 " We arrived, and make sure you thank your Aunt for this visit."

 "Ok" I replied with no emotion.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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