vi. Bleach

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The autumn leaves fell gracefully past your bedroom window as you stared out of it. It seemed like you had woken up in a parallel universe. You looked down at your outfit, sighing heavily through your nose as you touched the light blue and white polyester material of the cheerleading outfit that clung to your body. Something about this didn't seem right, it didn't seem like you. It seemed like the only thing left tethering you to a part of your life you didn't want back.

The decision had been playing through your mind all morning, and it took putting on the familiar uniform for you to be absolutely positive. With a determined look on your brow, you removed your clothes and redressed in something more comfortable, something that didn't feel like a costume. You folded up your uniform and put it into your backpack, your mind made up.

You arrived to school with all eyes narrowed in on you at your choice of wear, a comfortable pair of ripped black jeans and a tight, off-the-shoulder top that showed off your clavicle and cleavage generously. You walked past gawking students as you reached Coach Macnamera's office. With a deep breath, you reached your hand up to knock lightly against the door, awaiting her voice on the other side.

"Come in!" she responded happily before you turned the knob and slid inside of the room.

"Coach Macnamera," you began, opening up your backpack and retrieving your folded uniform. You placed it on the edge of her desk before stepping back nervously, "I'm returning my uniform."

"There a hole in it or something?" she asked, quirking an eyebrow as she continued to fill out waivers on her desk.

"Um, no," you chuckled nervously, putting your hands in your pockets. "I'm, well...I'm quitting the team."

"Excuse me?" she breathed out, looking up at you with wide eyes. "You can't just quit; we have homecoming rally this afternoon."

"Look, I know this is sudden, but..." you began, your voice shaking as she stared you down. Coach had always been on the more intense side; you knew that she wanted everyone on the team to succeed in their own ways, so this response was something that you had anticipated. "I'm sure you can get by without me. It's not like I do any of the stunts. I just call out the cheers."

"You're really letting the team down right now," she whispered, shaking her head before snatching the uniform off of her desk and throwing it into a nearby drawer. "You're the co-captain of the team. You're really just going to hand it over to Carpenter like that?"

You leaned against the door and looked her in the eyes, "You and I both know that I haven't been happy here, not for a very long time. This...this is what needs to happen. It's what's best for everyone."

Macnamera sighed, closing her eyes softly, "Well...if you change your mind, you know where to find me. God knows I would rather disband the team than put Carpenter in charge, but...I understand."

"You do?" you asked, slightly shocked at her sudden compassion.

"I did some things in high school that I wish I would have done differently," she responded. "You have to do what you have to do."

"Thanks, Coach," you smiled tightly, the air in the room becoming less thick.

"Take care of yourself, kid," she nodded, pointing at the door for you to leave her be.

You exited quietly and rested your back against the door, hanging your head lowly so that your curls covered your face. Relief. That's all that you could feel. There was nothing holding you back. All you had was the boy next door, and you felt renewed and excited at the prospect of starting something new with him. Something you had been yearning for longer than you even knew.

Rebel, Rebel - Jim Hopper x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now