Chapter 1

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away...

The Adventure Kids in STAR WARS

Episode IV: A New Hope

"It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden base, have won their first victory against the evil Galactic Empire. During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire's ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR, an armored space station with enough power to destroy an entire planet. Pursued by the Empire's sinister agents, Princess Leia, along with our favorite adventure kids, Cynthia, David, Brock, and Ann, race home aboard Leia's starship, custodian of the stolen plans that can save her people and restore freedom to the galaxy..."

All seemed quite and peaceful in this dark, never-ending immense of space... Until....


A tiny starship was seen traveling across the galaxy, firing lasers back at a much larger ship, known as an Imperial Stardestroyer. 

Apparently some Rebel spies had just escaped from the Empire. Having barely gotten away with some very important top-secret battle plans and now were being pursed by the enemy's ship. 

Hundreds of lasers were fired back and forth from both sides, until the Stardestroyer hit a key part to the Rebel's ship. 

Inside, adventure kids Cynthia, Twins: Brock and Ann, and David were shown walking down the hallway with two robots, R2-D2 and C-3po. The ship literally shook once the Stardestoryer struck it.

"Hurry, we haven't much time!" Cynthia told her friends, quickly leading them down the hallway. 

A group of Rebel troopers were rushing down the hallway, preparing for a break in. The adventure kids continued down the hallway, when they heard another loud noise that shook the ship again. 

"Whoa!" The twins yelped, struggling to stay up on two feet. 

"That sounded like a bad one" David commented on the loud noise they'd just heard. 

"Did you hear that?" C-3po then asked R2-D2. 

The little astro droid beeped in response, not speaking human dialogue but 3po understood him just fine. 

"They've shut down the main reactor. We'll be destroyed for sure" The golden robot said. "This is madness!"

"You could say that again" Cynthia agreed with the protocol droid.

"Oh, stop complaining" Ann told the overactive fashionista.  

"Yeah, we've been through a lot worse" Brock added. 

The little group continued their way down the hall as Rebel troopers rushed past them, taking up positions in the main passageway while pointing their weapons towards the door, preparing to attack once the enemy broke in. 

"We're doomed!" 3po said helplessly. 

"I couldn't agree more with you" Cynthia said back to the protocol droid. 

"Would you just stop it!" Ann said, annoyed at Cynthia. 

"It's not like the whole empire is aboard that Stardestoryer" Brock said. 

"Yeah, but we know who is..." Cynthia replied with a fearful gulp and began shivering nervously. 

R2 then beeped to his companions again. 

The Adventure Kids in Star Wars IV: A New HopeWhere stories live. Discover now