Chapter 1

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    BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!! An alarm clock rang out. Richie reached out and smacked the clock, knocking it off his nightstand. "Yeah, yeah, I get it..." He said drowsily, sitting up in his bed. He rubbed his eyes as his raven-black curls fell shaggily over his forehead. Richie rolled out from under his comforter and stubbled out his room to the bathroom. He looked at his blurry self in the mirror before jumping in the shower.
   After his shower he was more awake, and he walked to his room, almost tripping on a fold in the carpet. "Dammit, why didn't I grab my glasses.." he muttered, walking in his room.

   He grabbed some boxers and a pair of black ripped jeans, then threw on a Queen t-shirt. "Now where the hell are my-" crunch. "Goddammit.." he sighed, bending down to pick up his cokebottle glasses, now snapped in the middle. He held them to his face, grabbed a teal hawaian shirt and threw it over his queen tee, and went walking down the stairs.

   "Hey mom, I broke my glasses again, can you-" He stopped, reaching the dinning room table, a note writtin out on it. Sorry sweetie, me and your dad had to leave for work.. we'll be back by tuesday. Please keep the house clean, and make sure you eat. Love, mom.

"Damn, can my morning get any worse? Guess I've got a couple days to myself.." He sighed, going to the junk drawer to dig out some tape. He messily fixed his glasses, just enough so he could see. Richie got up , his glasses crooked on his face, and called in the number for the Denbroughs.

   "Hello?" Mrs. Denbrough answered. "Oh, hey Mrs. D, as much as I'd love to just talk to you, is Billy-boy there?" She laughed on the other end. "Well hi, Richie, and no, remeber? Ben, Mike, and him went camping." Richie sighed. "Oh yeah, I forgot, well, sorry for botherin' you." He said, hanging up.

   "Damn.." He walked over and plopped down on the couch. "Y'know what? No, fuck this lonesome shit. I'm going to the arcade. Streetfighter is always better then this." He got up and walked out the door. Richie climbed on his bike and pedalled down the streets of Derry to the arcade.

Arcade Boy ((reddie, WIP))Where stories live. Discover now