Asriel Dreemur

57 3 3

Soul Status:

Rose: 1 Blue: 4 Orange: 11.6 Cyan: 1.3 Green: 9.3 Yellow: 3.6 Purple: 8.3 Red: 30.7? White: 169.8

Monster Multiplier: 86

I left the hall from a door, dropping the gun on the floor, walking up the next hall. I would not need it against Sans. I read a plaque on the next door, which read, "Throne Room". I entered the Throne Room, not expecting to see anyone, and was surprised to find a child. He was a young goat, perhaps the child of the two in the previous battle. He looked up, hope sparkiling in his eyes, instantly replaced by tears. 

"Mom... Dad... You murdered them... Didn't you?" I saw no reason to lie, and nodded.

"Yes, I killed them, just like everyone else in the underground." Black curves curled up his cheeks, his eyes going from a green to black and white. 

"You stole my powers once, and I won't let you hurt anyone else." He summoned a white sword in one hand, and multicolor flame in the other. I took a step back.

"...Flowey..." My mouth curled into a grin.



Fortunatly, my extra power did not require a side to latch to, and vines burst from the ground under me, carrying me across the room in an instant, swinging my sword for his neck. His eyes widened and he blocked my blade with his own, sending his flame at my stomach, deflected by my sheild. I jumped back, caught on a platform of vines that had risen from the ground. He stared up at me, a scowl on his face.

"So," I called down at him, "What do they call you in this body?" He grinned, the room fading to black, a glow coming from his body. And then he began to hover. In a flash of light, he hovered before me, in a brand new form.

"ASRIEL DREEMUR!!!" Rainbow light filled the air. Two swords in hand, he flew for me, swinging his blades, multicolor flame burning up the length. One blade collided with mine, the other against my shield. With a twitch in my mind, vinesshot from my platform, wrapping around his hands, trying to pull his blades away from me, to no avail. He broke through the vines, sending his blades whirring at me, my own barely defelecting the attacks. He pushed me back to the edge of the platform, and I stepped off the edge. I was swung about by a single tendril of plant matter, twitching my blade in short little jabs, sending beams of red light into his defences. He blocked most of my beams, but a few landed on his chest and arms. Then, while he was still stunned from being hit, I stole the floor of plant from under him, sending Asriel careening to the ground. He landed on the right hand throne, producing a shattering crash. The throne was on fire. His blade had lit the blaze, and it quickly spread to the second throne. In moments, he had stood, tears streaming from his eyes. His body changed in an instant. He was a little boy again.

"Those were my parents' thrones. I know now, that if you want something, you get it, huh?" He didn't wait for an answer, "I know why you're so strong. You killed everyone. You stole their magic. And you killed the Amalgams," He slumped to his knees. I moved my vines into a staircase. I walked down them, and sat next to Asriel. 

"I am truely sorry," Asriel looked at me. I dropped all my powers. For now, I was just like any other man, "I don't want to kill anyone. All I want is to have my love back. Without her, I will die. Without Frisk, I am nothing. That is why I have been working so hard to become powerful. I can't die. I refuse to die. I have cried for every monster I have ever killed. I may seem like a heartless murderer, but I have not gained even one EXP. I need to feel for everyone who dies. If I don't feel for their deaths, then I am as bad as the men I work so hard to kill. The ones who kill for pleasure." I put my arms around Asriel. I held him close, and let our tears fall together. For me, the loss of Frisk and all the monsters, Asriel, for his parents. 

"Thank you," Asriel had stopped crying, "I'm ready. If Frisk loves you, then go save her. Do what you do best. Be the hero." He stood, and took three steps away from me. He stood stock still, ready for me to kill him.


My eyes glowed bright pink, and Asriel smiled.

"Thank you for listening. It has ment the world to me." As his eyes closed, I sent my spear through his chest, and tore the soul from his body. It glowed in every color, and I absorbed it. he opened his eyes. He raised his dusting hand, and waved. I waved back until he was a pile on the floor. I twitched my hand, and wood burst from the nearest wall, constructing a seamless wooden box. I brushed as much of Asriel as I could inside. And then, I left the Throne Room.

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