Chapter Sixteen

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The weekend flew by, and it was Monday morning once again. The full cycle of going back to school for the five weekdays had started again.

"Eli, Miles, breakfast!" Scott called.

She peeled the blanket off her and got up, and just like every day apart of her routine, she got dressed, grabbed her phone, and went downstairs.

Scott put a warm plate of waffles down on the island counter and Miles was already sitting at the table.

"Don't you have work?" Eli asks.

Scott smiled, "Not today, Miles has the day off from school, and he's nine." Scott said.

"I know, I was just confused," Eli said, sitting down next to Miles and eating the breakfast that Scott made.

Eli ruffled Miles's hair and he laughed, "E, why don't you stay home from school and play games with me?" Miles asks.

She smiled but shook her head, "No, I can't. I got to go to school." Eli said.

After breakfast, it was time for Eli to go on the bus. Neal texted that he was going to be waiting for her at the front door, Eli responded that she was going to be there in fifteen minutes.

When she got there and watched the usual people play the game of 'Black Friday' by pushing and shoving people off the bus before she got off.

Eli could see Neal from a mile away, he dyed the top of his hair neon green. She approached him with a wide grin on her face.

"What's up with your hair?" Eli asks as Neal laughed.

"I lost a bet between my two cousins, they said I had to dye my hair if I lost," Neal explained. "How were the lawyers?"

"They were great, now we're just in waiting mode. Their scheduling a court date." Eli said.

They walked down the hall and talked some more until the first period, English, where they took their seats.

"No more ditching class," Eli said.

"I know," Neal said. "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the lunch detention."

Eli suddenly remembered the lunch detention thing she had for another two weeks. The principal let her skip one because she had a thing last Friday.

The day went on and it was lunch detention. Neal and Eli filed into the big conference room area. Taking the seats that they took on Friday.

"I heard the good news, Ms. Brown." The principal said with a smile. "I'm happy that you're getting adopted soon."

Eli smiled, "Thanks." She said.

They ate their food while talking about events coming up. The dance was something Eli had her eyes on. It was her goal.

"I'm like the Sunlight," Eli said as she gained the principal and Neal's attention.

"The Sunlight flows from the sun, the brightest planet in the solar system. Even when there's hard days or days when there's rain. The sunlight breaks through the clouds and shines. I'm the Broken Sunlight." Eli explained.

"That's creative," Neal said. "I like it."

The rest of the day was just smooth as ever. She got through school, got picked up by Scott and smiled when she saw Miles.

"Hey, little dude," Eli said.

"Hi," Miles said. "How was school?"

Eli took a deep breath before she answered. Scott glanced over at her.

"It was good," Eli said with a smile.

"I'm glad you had a good day," Scott said.

When they got home, Eli helped Miles with his homework before she played some Mario Kart with him. She chose Toad while Miles chose Mario.

Eli was finally happy, and later, Scott was going to take Miles and her out to watch the sunset. As cheesy as it was, Miles was excited.

When it came time for Scott to take Eli and Miles to see the sunset, they grabbed their blankets and flashlights and went outside.

The sky was painted a bright pink color mixed with orange. The sun was moving slowly down letting the sky that was once painted bright pink turn into a dark royal blue color.

Miles sat next to Eli, and Scott across from them. They ate some popcorn and watched as the stars start to flicker alive.

"It's so pretty," Miles said.

"It is," Eli said.

Watching the stars reminded Eli of when she used to look up at the stars and wished she was in Neverland. The island where lost boys and girls could go to and feel themselves, but she didn't need to go there anymore.

Eli broken through the clouds, she's the sunlight that flowed through the clouds after the storm.

It's only the beginning of the new chapter for Eli, but she thought it was worth it now.

Scott disappeared into the house with Miles for a while, leaving Eli outside admiring the stars above her.

She felt someone's presence and looked to see Neal. He sat next to her on the ground and looked at the stars with her before he broke the silence.

"Your father let me in," Neal said. "He told me that you were back here."

"Oh, okay," Eli said.

They went back to silence, Eli felt Neal's band inch towards hers and touch her fingers. She finches and pulled her hand back.

"Eli, I'm sorry for being a jerk," Neal said.

"What happened to wait until we're ready?" Eli asks.

"I'm ready," Neal said.

Eli shook her head, although Neal couldn't see it because it was dark out. He understood that she wasn't ready.

"When are you going to be ready?" Neal asks. "Because I'm here, and I'm all in. I'm not going to leave you."

"Leave me?" Eli said. "Neal, I'm not worried about people leaving me."

Neal sighed, "Then what are you afraid of?" He asks.

"I'm afraid of you leaving!" Eli exclaimed. "I'm afraid that I'll love you and then you'll find someone else that's better than me."

No one said anything for fifteen minutes, it was just the sounds of crickets and cicadas chirping surrounding them.

"I won't do that," Neal said.

Neal's phone buzzed and it was his parents, wondering when he was going to head home since it was a school night. He ignored it.

He stepped closer to Eli until she felt his breath on her face. His breath smelled like roasted coffee.

"I won't ever do that. Because you showed me something, I've never seen in any other girl I bought home." Neal said. "You showed interest in me."

"Can we talk about this tomorrow?" Eli asks. "It's late and we have school tomorrow."

"Ok," Neal said. "Goodnight."

Once Neal left, Eli went inside. Miles was already in bed and Scott was taking a shower. Eli walked up the stairs to her room, shut the door behind her.

She got undressed, crawled into bed and went to sleep. Thinking about how it was a great day for her.

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