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Hi Everyone!

Thank you for clicking on my story. I really hope you don't regret it. 


This story is heavily based off the tv show The 100. (which I highly recommend watching if you haven't) While this is my own story, I don't take full credit for all the ideas. All things that have come from the 100 belong to Jason Rothenberg and the CW. All the characters are my own but some ideas aren't. Also, some ideas might come from other TV shows or movies that I enjoy. For example, the idea for Divisions came from the hunger Games with the districts. I'm not sure what TV Shows/Movies I might get ideas from yet because I'm still in the process of writing this story. However, It is very likely that some ideas might come from the tv shows The Vampire Dairies and/or The Originals because those are two of my favourite shows. (I also highly recommend watching these to shows as well if you haven't already)

Also, this story will contain violence, swearing, death and possible mentions of sexual scenes. 

I hope you enjoy!

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