Chapter One - Ziah

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Good riddance Zion. Never thought I'd be saying those three words in my life. But I'm thankful for it. Honestly, Zion can kiss my ass. Nothing good ever came out of that planet except for a few extra years of life. Well, I say a few. More like 150 years. Roughly anyway. Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me take you back to a few short hours ago before I was thrown onto a drop-ship and sent to earth.

Now, where was I? Right, Zion. Zion is a planet that was discovered 146 years ago, 18 years after Earth was destroyed. Well, I say destroyed. More like overrun with dangerous murder bots that would stop at nothing until every human being was eradicated. Once their job was complete, they would incinerate into a radioactive goop that poisoned the earth. So that's why after 170 years, we still aren't back there. But of course, the murder bots didn't succeed. Robots are too stupid to actually execute their plans properly. They missed a couple million people. Some of which found bunkers to live in, flew into space, or just straight up evaded them. The ones who stayed on earth most likely ended up dead. The ones in space, however. That's a whole other story.

When the people on earth found out about the travellers, the murder bots actual name, they started to come up with ways to save themselves. A group of 6 went 'You know what? Let's go all out. Time to head into space!' I have no idea how they managed to pull it off but they did. They spent years floating around the galaxy, trying to find a solution. The smart people worked day and night to accomplish this while the not so smart people were in cryosleep. If you don't know what that is, basically they slept for 18 years but didn't age a day. So when they found Zion they were still the same age as they were when they left. The planet was no bigger than the moon so it had limited resources. The founders noticed this and started to ration the supplies straight away. Every now and then more ships would come to Zion. The founders welcomed them into the community with open arms. Soon enough, 13 other ships had made their way to Zion, each ship holding between 3 to 7 people. The day the last ship arrived, was marked as Unity day. You see, the founders knew of the other ships that had come into space. They knew they would come to Zion eventually so that's why they weren't surprised when they did. While all this was happening they began to form a better society. They made laws, assigned jobs, and started building. They basically did everything you'd do when making a new city from scratch. This way of living was working. Well, more or less. People weren't really happy with it. After all, there were so many rules to follow. And if you didn't follow them, you'd pay with your life. Every crime was a big deal if you were over the age of 18. If you weren't, you'd get arrested and live out the rest of your life in a cell. You do get a trail when you turn 18, but hardly anyone makes it pass. Unless you go to jail for a really petty reason, you're pretty much screwed.

As the years went by the population grew, blah, blah, blah. It's all really boring until you get to this bit. One day strange things started to happen. People started to develop abnormal abilities. Like, shooting fire out of your fingers, abnormal. They called them the Enhanced. Soon enough, over a third of the population had developed these powers. And it wasn't so crazy. It turns out, Zion was also radiated. Expect this time you aren't gonna die from it. Fast forward a couple years, all is good. Until another strange thing happened. The first Destiny was born. Now, a Destiny is a child that is born from two Enhanced parents. They are incredibly rare. Even if two Enhanced have a child they hardly ever get a Destiny. You see, a Destiny is an Enhanced but instead of having one ability, they get three. The abilities that Enhanced and Destinies get are put into three categories. Offensive, Enhancement and Psychic. Destinies have one of each. However, something you didn't know was that back when Enhanced first started appearing, the council kidnapped and experimented on them hoping to gain a better understanding of their abilities. But when they started appearing more frequently, the experiments stopped. So when Carman Bailey, the first-ever Destiny, was born, they wanted to learn more. Once Carman had made a life for herself, started a family and helped others, the council struck. Unfortunately for them, it was a little late. Carman was adored throughout Zion. After she was taken the people noticed her disappearance. They caught onto what the council was doing and started rioting against them. It didn't end well. So families just decided to stay quiet. While they didn't agree with the council's methods, they wanted to protect themselves and their loved ones.

And now 92 years later we have me. Ziah Bailey. A relative of the famous Carman Bailey. A girl who lost her parents at the age of 7. And a Destiny. Yes, you heard me right. No one knows of course. Well, no one aside from grandma and my best friend Phoebe Hill. I'm only the second Destiny in the Bailey bloodline, which shows you how rare they are. There have been countless Baileys before me. Now, let me tell you a little bit about me. Hi, my name's Ziah Bailey. And yes my parents did name me after the planet. They were a little obsessed. I'm 17 years old and I'm from the Garnet Division. Oh did I forget to mention Divisions? Well, Zion is divided into 8 Divisions, Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Tanzanite and Opal. They are all reasonably close to one another as Zion is a small planet. The capital city Kestia is in the centre of all this. Zion is quite a beautiful place. It's just too bad it isn't gonna last much longer.

You see, Zion is dying. We are running out of resources fast. With the number of supplies we have left, we'll only be able to last another 5 months with a population of around 2,500. The council wants to find a solution. So they did the only thing they know how to do. Ruin people's lives. Less than 3 hours ago, they rounded up 15 teenage Enhanced to send down to a supposedly radiation soaked planet. And lucky for me, I was one of the chosen few. Notice the sarcasm. Now, you may be thinking 'but Ziah, you're a Destiny, why would you be sent down to earth with a bunch of immature Enhanced?' Good question. The answer you're looking for is that I don't identify as a Destiny. I identify as an Enhanced. If I were to identify as a Destiny, I'd be royally screwed. Don't get me wrong. I'd much rather be identified as a human, like everyone else. It really makes you feel like a freak when everyone goes 'Oh my god an Enhanced!' whenever they see you. But unfortunately for me, I accidentally used my offensive ability during school when I was 6. So now I'm forever known as a magical person. Yay me. So here I am, strapped into a dropship with 14 other teenagers who have no idea what fate awaits them on earth. But to be fair. Neither do I. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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