Guilty Journey

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It feels like being trapped
In a chamber on unknown galaxy with zero signal and no way out
It feels like being prison
In a room with a window to glimpse but no door to walk through

This guilty journey is in a way a punishment and a redemption masked as a cure


Have you ever wonder how is it feel to be a being
Who succumb of their incompetency and incapability
Whom just want to go home but found it empty

Have you ever wonder the feeling of being labeled as a mistake, an anger object
Shouted at, when world turn its back against
Angered on, being the receiver of their punching bag

It's empty really
Have been realizing since day one a stamp of wrongness on the forehead
A broken heart, soul and smile
Guilty as charged,
But never found a way back

The dream is simple
To be free again
Away from any chain
To be lost and serene
And to feel whole again

Mistake have rights too, right?
To be forgiven, to be released and fly again
To be in tune and make peace with its bruises and scars
To feel its recovery heart be steady again

To be okey


- Home, April 14th 2020

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