
21 1 0

I wake up and pull my body up from where I had been sleeping. I arch my back and feel two hands and squeeze my thighs. I jump but the grip holds me still.

I look down at the man who has a clenched jaw. My breasts hung inches from his face. I pull back and flatten down against him. I drop my butt on something hard. A grunt from Ruben and a squeeze from his hands let me know exactly what it is.

"I'm sorry."

"Probably best if we get you clothes." His voice is monotone and his eyes are closed. His eyes stayed closed and he trailed up to my hips holding me above him. He opens his eyes once I am set on the fur blanket.

Ruben brushes my hair to the side and removes the bandages on my back.

"What are you doing!?"


I hiss.

"I am not one of your mutts, you can not control me."

"Do not be too sure of yourself."

He rips the bandage off and brushes his fingers on my skin. It doesn't burn, at all. I sit up holding the blanket over my breasts.

"What did you do?"


"That doesn't exist- that means-"

"There is a connection, sadly." His mouth twitches up a little.

"No, that is dumb." As was my remark.

"As was that remark."

I growl at him saying what I thought. He stares into my eyes and shakes his head. He gets up and walks to his closet sliding on his shirt.

"Probably best for you to get dressed, you have things to learn."

"What do you have a bra in your suit shirts over there?"

"Verena, I am the Alpha. You may not be a Lycan, but you are part of the pack now, a queen amongst the pack." His voice rumbles up from his chest. "I expect you to act like it."

"Act like what?"

"Part of this pack."

"I'm not!"

He opens his mouth a knock taps the door.

"Sir? The council are here to meet with the new Alpha."

"Thank you Lei, please bring a gown for, Samantha."

"What is going on?"

"You will figure it out," he locks in his belt, "when you come downstairs for breakfast."

"What about this?" I hold up my wrists tied up with what is left of the robe.

He slides his paper into the small folder.

"You can figure it out."

"This is considered abuse!"

He glances at me and the corner of his mouth twitches up into a smile. "I will see you downstairs."

He strides to the door and closes it behind him. What a fucked up person. This is horrible! I didn't want this, I just wanted- I just wanted...

Regret and anger swell through my body like a tsunami over an island. Oscar. He cheated on me, with a fricken Bearclaw! A damn doughnut! Then, this. All of this. This is his fault too.

I stare at the fire and scream at it. The wooden logs burst aflame. I yelp and throw myself back to the bed frame. I slide my hands out from the belt. A knock sounds the door and the fire simmers into nothing.

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