Chapter 6

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Kirishima left his house with a skip in his step in a matter of 2 weeks he was able to make 2 new friends, which as depressing as it is was more that hes ever had at one time. he ran all the way to the park they were going to hang out at. he saw Midoriya walking in another direction and decided to surprise him so he hid and fallowed, but he saw something that made him angry, he saw 3 other boys push him to the ground,

"Come on Deku," the tallest boy spit out the name like venom, " where's your little friend huh?" Midoriya looked like he was going to cry,

"he isn't here yet, please don't bother him we'll leave okay?" Midoriya started to get up before getting kicked back to the ground again, the boys were laughing and Kirishima, he was pissed. without thinking Kirishima ran up shoving one of the boys,

Kirishima growled out at him, "Don't touch him!" the boy feel onto the ground hard,

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" the boy was now nearly as mad as Kirishima.

"Doesn't fucking matter asshole, don't touch Midoriya!" The boy blinked looking confused but still angry,

"W-whatever fucker," he got up, "we're going now!" the boy left dragging away the other two

"M-Midoriya! are you alright?" Kirishima ran over to him helping him stand,

"I'm f-fine Kiri, thank you though," Midoriya smiled at Kirishima reassuringly, 

"are you sure you're okay? Why'd they do that? has that happened before?" Kirishima kept pestering Midoriya and checking if he was hurt anywhere.

"Ki-" Midoriya kept trying to interrupt Kirishima's interrogation, "Kir-"

"Are you sure you aren't hurt at all? What was with th-" 

"Kirishima!" Midoriya finally interrupted Kirishima's struggle, "please calm down! I promise I really am all right!"

"O-okay if your sure," Kirishima finally backed down, "So what do you want to do now?" 

"Lets just go get some food I'll pay," Midoriya was acting  colder than normal but Kirishima decided bothering him would be rude when he seemed hurt.

"We can eat but you aren't paying!" Kirishima laughed pulling Midoriya with him to the nearby cafe. 

"Wait what? No I said I would pay and you can't change that!" Midoriya went right back to his normal mood with the biggest smile. The two made it to the cafe and fought over who would pay eventually Kirishima won, he laughed at Midoriya lecturing him about letting him pay next time.

"Soooooo, Midobro you wanna talk about earlier?" Kirishima didn't want to pry but he did want to know,

"I uh, I don't have many friends to put things simply, your like my only friend," Midoriya laughed awkwardly, "A lot and I mean A LOT of people hate me and that was my old 'friend' who leads like a gang of others who like to make fun of me," Kirishima was heart broken cause who wouldn't love Midoriya! he's one of the nicest people Kirishima ever met,

"Well it sucks to be them now cause you've got me and I'll keep them away, I'm here for you man!" Kirishima smiled and Midoriya looked like he was going to cry,

"Thanks Kiri!" they spent the rest of the day chatting and wandering around aimlessly eventually they went back past the library and Kirishima saw Todoroki,

"Shoto!" Kirishima yelled running over to him pulling Midoroiya with him, "ya know how I said you were my only real friend? well guess what? I got a new friend this is Midoriya! he is super nice, granted we didn't meet under the best circumstances but he was so kind and his mom is a great cook too so that's pretty neat, my family kinda sucks at cooking so that was one of the first homemade meals I ever had, wait that's off topic well this is Midoriya," Kirishima basically went into a full blown rant talking about Midoriya, which made Todoroki laugh a little.

"I'm Shoto Todoroki nice to Meet you Midoriya," Todoroki became rather serious around him but no one really noticed.

"we can all hang out! well if you're free," Kirishima smiled at Todoroki waiting for an answer, and how could he say no to a face like that.

"I'm free Eijiro don't worry, where were you guys going?" they decided to go to an arcade down the street and Kirishima was super excited since he hadn't ever hung out with more than one person with out getting beat up or something similar,

"What do you guys want to play first?" Kirishima asked Midoriya and Todoroki first but neither of them new any of the games there so Kirishima dragged them around and they all played the games he liked, Todoroki got good after awhile of playing thanks to Kirishima's coaching skills but Midoriya sucked the whole way through.

"Hey you said that you guys didn't meet under the best circumstances what happened anyways?" Todoroki realized what Kirishima had said when they were first introduced and became slightly confused.

"Oh," Kirishima laughed a little before talking, "I hit him with my bike on the way home from deliveries and I grabbed him so I would get hurt instead of him, it uh worked but I got a gross scrape from the fall and he helped me clean it up before going home."

"do you still have a cut?" 

"oh yeah its not to bad since there's a scab over it now," Kirishima took off his sweatshirt and showed the two boys his arm. the cut was healing but you could see that the fall mush have hurt even without knowing what happened.

"Eijiro!" Todoroki was prepared to lecture him but Kirishima stopped him.

"I know it looks gross but imagine if I just let Midoriya get hit, I think it would have been worse," Kirishima was still feeling bad for hitting Midoriya to begin with and the cut made him feel better since he kept him from getting it instead.

"I am really grateful Kirishima," Midoriya comforted Kirishima since he was better with emotions and understood where Kirishima was coming from, "besides other wise we may never have talked to each other!"

"Yeah!" Kirishima laughed, "the cut was totally worth meeting you dude! Oh!! Shoto, Midoriya is going to be in out class as well, isn't that great?"

"Yeah," Todoroki replied rather unenthusiastic. They stayed at the arcade for awhile with Kirishima destroying both Todoroki and Midoriya at every game. Eventually then ended up waling home together, Todoroki left towards his house separating the three.

"Hey Kirishima, why do you guys call each other by your first names?" Midoriya had only noticed when he was introduced to Todoroki since he hadn't thought about it when 'Shoto' was just a name in passing,

"Well when we met his father 'Enji Todoroki' was being a massive dick and so he asked me to call him by his first name, I mean I get it its hard when people associate  you with that kind of a person, so we both call each other by our first names!" Midoriya smiled at Kirishima and they  walked the rest of the way back in a comfortable silence.

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