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[Paparazzi see Y/n hanging out with one of her guy best friends, and took multiple pictures of them holding hands in a friendly matter]

"Y/n what the hell is this?" Jack asked her putting his phone screen all in her face. She frowned and held the phone, "Me and my friend..?" She said. "Friends don't hold hands and walk that close by each other" Jack rolled his eyes.  "Woah tone it down because you kiss peoples cheeks for fucks sake!" Y/n was fed up with the shittt. He stayed quiet but muttered stuff under his breath. "What do you not trust me?" She asked him. Jack continues to stay quiet which pissed Y/n off some more. "You are such a hypocrite" She scoffed and walked away.


[Jaeden and Y/n were so busy. Mostly Jaeden, and any time Y/n would ask for his time he would just avoid it, until he wanted some of her time]

Y/n was in the shower hearing nothing but the water running over her skin. "Hi" Jaeden smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hi" Y/n replied pulling his arms off her and soaping her body up. "I'm bored.." He mumbled and kissed her neck. She bit her lip and shook her head, pushing his head away. "We can't, I'm going out with some friends, in a half an hour" She told him while washing her body off. "So cancel" He whined and let his hands roam around her body. "No" she said before getting out the shower and wrapping her towel around herself. "Babe!" He called out for her but she ignored and walked out the bathroom. After 10 minutes, Jaeden was finished showering and Y/n was doing her makeup. "Baby" Jaeden said standing next to her. "Hm?" She hummed. "Why won't you stay?" "Because I'm busy" "Yeah but you're always busy" "Jaeden that's not true and you know damn well it's not" She pauses doing her makeup and looked at him. "Yeah but like we don't get to talk" He explained. "Yeah because you won't listen" She said before finishing her makeup and her hair. "What?" He frowned showing her was confused. "I don't have time for this, I'll see you later" she said kissing his cheek, which is not what she usually does, and left.


[ Y/n was getting frustrated about the amount of hate she was getting on social media, because of dating Finn ]

Y/n picked up her phone seeing that the notifications on there were crazy.  Most of the notifications were coming from Instagram. So she opened the app and saw a bunch of comments on a particular post. It was a picture of her and Finn. 


'Finn could do better tbh'

'Why she built like that, lmao'

Y/n began crying and stared at herself in the mirror. "Babe?" Finn walked into the room and saw her crying. "What's the matter?" He walked towards her while furrowing his eyebrows. "Noth- It's nothing" She shook her head, feeling her social anxiety creeping up. "Y/n," He frowned. "I'm getting so much hate, Finn" she said wiping her eyes. "That's what you're crying over?" He asked unimpressed. "What?" She frowned and looked at him. "It's just words Y/n, what'd you expect?" He said motioning his hands. "I mean you chose to date a celebrity, not that it's really your fault but the world is not all sunshine and rainbows" Finn shrugged his shoulders. "I can't believe you right now" She scoffed and backed away from him. "I'm just saying the truth" He said as if what he was saying wasn't wrong. "I already have insecurities as it is, Finn and I thought you'd know that better than anyone" She said giving him a bitter look. "How do you think I feel? You barley even know how I feel, you just now got into what my reality is, Y/n" Finn rolled his eyes. "I think you forgot that we've been in each other's lives since diapers, and sure I didn't know the consequences of what society would be like when it comes to being a celebrity but have you forgotten that I have feelings just as any other person?" She stared at him seeing he was lost for words. "Exactly" She took her sweater and put on her shoes. "Wha- where are you going?" He followed her as she walked towards the door. "Don't worry about it, I mean it's not like you care" "Y/n it's raining" "I don't care" And with that she left.


[Attention. Wyatt has been busy, sometimes he wasn't even busy. When he comes from filming early he would just go on his play station and play for hours. Sometimes he doesn't even acknowledge how Y/n must feel and it's frustrating]

Y/n looked up from her table since she was drawing only to see Wyatt walk through the door. "Baby!" She squealed and ran up to him, embracing him in a warm hug. "I'm so tired" He mumbled and kissed her forehead. "Oh okay, well go shower and then we can cuddle and watch a movie or something" She said stepping back so that he can fully get into the house. Wyatt nodded and pecked her lips then walked upstairs into the bathroom. The shower was running so it obvious he was showering. Y/n sat down on the couch and went on her phone texting her best friend. After 10-20 minutes Y/n decided to walk upstairs since it was quiet. She walked into their shared room only to see him fully dressed and playing call of duty. "Babe" "Hm" "You serious? You said you were tired" "The shower woke me up- ah shit shit shit" He cursed as he lowkey starting to miss his shots at the other team. "Okay.." She trailed off and played with his hair. "Baby stop" He huffed and moved his head. "Wyatt, I'm bored!" She whined and moved one of his hands from his controller so that she could sit on his lap. "After this game I'll spend time with you I promise" He said wrapping his arms around her waist and continuing to play. One game turned into 6 and y/n was beyond pissed. "You know what I'm gonna go" She frowned and pushed his arm away from her but it didn't go anywhere. "Go where?" Wyatt frowned and kept his grip tight around her. "Wyatt let go- let go!" She raised her voice making him actually let go of her. "Baby" he put his arms out when she started putting her shoes on. "Where are you going?" "Why do you care? You're playing your stupid game" She huffed and put on a sweater. "I'm sorry, okay?" He said hugging her from behind. "Yeah right" she pushed him off and walked out the door.


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