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It was like stepping into a dream.

The sun shone down upon the city, the buildings and roads like circuit boards.

An assortment of different game characters could be seen, some you knew well, others you'd never see before in your life.

Kirby was floating around, closely pursued by Meta Knight and what looked like an Inkling.

The Mario Brothers walked past you and Sans, rapid Italian being spoke between the two.

A small group of people you recognized to be from DOOM, walked by.

Your head was spinning from the sights around you.

Sans looked back at you and chuckled, "Not often you see all these characters together huh? This is Circuit Central, as you can tell by the buildings " he waved a boney hand toward the skyscrapers around,"They connect each character to their game."

He led you over to a large map that mimicked the one you had seen in the Loading Dock.

"This is the center of Playandia" he explained and indicated a large building that floated above the wide city,"That's where the Gameboy lives."

"The Gameboy?" Your gaze looked up at the sparkling, green building that levitated above them all.

"He's like the leader here" Sans looked around before dropping his voice in a whisper,"He was the first player here actually.."

"Oh.." You turned your eyes back to the skeleton as he turned back to the map.

"Anyway, I'll let you explore yourself later-"

"You're going to leave me!?" You cried out in panic at the thought of having to navigate this new world alone.

"Wasn't done kid.. " he grumbled before carrying on,"I can show you Resident Reside though. It's where players and Ocs that don't have a set home live" he began walking away from the map and down a path.

Deciding you didn't want to be left to wander around the city alone, you walked beside Sans as he turned a corner,"C'mon, I know a shortcut."

Reluctantly, you followed him to the dark alley, your sight disappearing for a few seconds before returning to reveal what looked like a neighborhood with a questionable assortment of different houses.

"This is Resident Reside! Or as I like to call it, R & R " he chuckled a bit walking toward one of the least eye-popping buildings.

A small screen popped up as you approached it.

"Hello! Welcome to Resident Reside. How can we be of service?"

Sans began typing a few things in,"Alright, mind placing your hand on this thing for me?"

He moved aside as a scanner appeared.

You moved forward carefully and gently set your hand on its cool surface.

A bright scanning light began to move back and forth beneath your hand, several rows of code appearing on the side. The light vanished with the scanner as it faded.

Sans returned and began typing more things in,"There we go! You're all set. "

"Set for what..?" You asked, confused at what you had just done.

"You've got a code now." He answered patiently and waved you toward the grey door of the house,"This is your joint! Place your hand on it."

You extanded your hand and lightly brushed its surface, the door melting at your touch,"Whoa.."

"Yep. Easy access to here and other places."

You couldn't help, but to smile.

This is my house now..!

The excitement was short lived.

"But.. I already have a home.. Back in the real world.." you told Sans sadly.

The skeleton's eye lights dissapeared for a moment.

It unsettled you as they returned when he began speaking,"I see.. Well.. I guess I can take you to see the Gameboy about it, but you might have to wait until then."

"Is he usually busy?" You wondered outloud and received a nod.

"Sometimes he-"


You jumped as a voice from behind you called for your guide.

A tall man with side swept brown hair  and rather large round glasses walked over.

You've never see a game character like this before.

"Have you seen Christopher?" He asked the skeleton, who merely shrugged.

"Not since yesterday"

He signed and rubbed his eyes before realizing you were there,"Oh.. Who's this?"

"This is Y/n" Sans introduced,"Y/n, this is Matthew. He's an Oc here."

Matthew nodded with a crooked grin,"Nice meeting you and Sans-"
He cut off a bit to look around, "If you find Christopher can you send him home?"

"He get in detention again?"

"Yea and I'm pretty sure he escaped."
He sighed, his hazel eyes looking around for whoever 'Christopher' was.

"Oh yea, Maple was looking for you too" he added, readjusting his glasses

"Alrighty, once I find someone to drag Y/n along I'll head that way" Sans nodded and watched Matthew walk away.

"Well kid, guess I'll have to find someone to take care of ya" he chuckled.
"Till then, we're on a field trip!"

Field trip..? What did he mean?

"How do ya feel bout school?"


*vibrating excitedly getting to write ocs with game people*

Word of credit: Matthew is one of my sister's Ocs! And the Gameboy is my brother's! (Couldn't do this book without them!)

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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