Be With Me

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"Be With Me, Ben," Rey whispered. "Be With Me."

I opened my eyes as I grunt in frustration. I had be trying for weeks to contact Ben, but still nothing. I had spoken to Leia, venting my sorrow and frustration. Leia had no explanation, she still hadn't seen her son in the force.

Which made me hope that he was alive~ somehow. My thoughts turn back to when he had broken out of the control of my grandfather- Palpatine. How he had payed the ultimate price, so we could continue to win. Poe thought that he deserved his fate, Finn thought I was going crazy to believe otherwise, but C-3PO and BB_8 they understood. Surprisingly R2 did as well. I hadn't seen them in months.

Snapping to the present, I try a different way of contacting through the force. Clinging to the words, the desperate hope, 'I will always be with you'." The last words that Ben spoke.

'Ben, I need you. I call out into the force, then reaching for him, There, that unmistakable glow, the golden aura, of him. Gods, how could I ever have mistaken him for anything but good. Far away from me he pulses with the golden light, it felt as if I was walking through sludge, the bond that I had had growing brighter~ stronger. The bond that was not broken, that would always be there, the open wound I had since he died, healing. A dark shadow rises, tearing towards him, I open my mouth to shout, to scream, look out, but it engulfs him. Then he's there, almost gone, glowing faintly. An emptiness fills me, followed by pain like liquid agony pours through my body, as he pulses~ Once, Twice and then he's gone.'

Screaming, I jolt awake. I had fallen asleep whilst searching for him. Too many sleepless nights catching up on me. I feel the rough, coarse sand on my hands, flowing around them, like a curling snake. I jump, as I realize Leia is sitting beside me.

" Indeed, you have had a lot of sleepless night if I can catch you unaware." she teases with a small smile on her lips.

"You're looking chipper." I reply.

"You, however, look terrible. I can't begin to imagine what you went through at Palpatine's hand, but I could try and help, by listening." she says gently, as if afraid I might break.

We sit in silence for a long time. I feel a cool breeze caress my flushed skin, " I feel... Empty. Like I turned away from the force, or it from me. There's nothing, this never ending silence in my mind~ this hole, where he was, where his thoughts were, his hope's, dreams, beliefs. The bond, it's hard to break, it's not a choice that we make, just a sense of utter belonging, and now I'm... I'm lost" I gaze out toward the horizon, " I'm at sea, and I have no way of ever getting home," tears fall down my cheeks silently," the bond was my compass, my home, and it's gone.~ No not gone, it will never truly be gone, it's simply an open, gaping wound, that will never go away, never heal, it will just~ be there."

Leia wraps her arms around me, "No one, is ever truly gone, you know that, better than anyone. He will always be here with you," she pressed a hand on my chest, directly over my heart" He will be here, Always, never forget that, my Ben is anything, if not stubborn and strong, and he will move worlds, to get back," She gazes into my eyes, " to get back to you." she says softly, but firmly as she disappears.
The sun fades over the horizon, reminding me of Ben's smile, and the way he faded away. I inhale sharply. Unfolding myself, I stand up. Dusting myself off, I turn towards the hut, but something pulls me away. North-East, away, from Tatooine, on a whim I follow it. It becomes more insistent, and I break into a jog, then into a run. The dull thud of my boots on the sand echo, as the dry, hot breeze buffets me. Slowly, mountains appear, then a cave, the tugging becoming stronger. I flick my light-saber off my belt. Whilst scanning the area, I activate it. I slowly creep into the cave. The cave gives way to a tunnel. The hum of the light-saber steadies me, as I follow the track. It leads to a mighty cavern filled with crystal. A cool breeze sweeps through, rippling the surface of the deep pool, it softly glows as I scan the room. I stop to find Ben, standing there, whole. I break. The tears that I have held back for the past nine months rise to the surface, and overflow. I collapsed to my knees, the cool wet surface of the smooth rock sending a chill through me. Then he's there in an instant, wrapping me in his strong, comforting arms. Joy fills me, as Ben. My Ben, hesitantly presses his lips to mine in a soft kiss. Though his kiss is soft, he pulls me tightly against him, as if afraid I would disappear at any moment.

"Where have you been, why haven't you answered me~" the questions tumble from me.

Ben smiles. "What?" I demand.

"Nothing, it's~ it's just good to see you." he mutters. I brush some of his long dark hair out of his eyes, as he rubs the back of his neck uncomfortably.

A small smile graces my lips for a heartbeat. "How?" I whisper.

His expression darkens, "You~ you don't want to know. Listen, I won't be able to hold this for long, I am very lucky to have held it for so long already, you must find a woman, her name is Alexius, but she will be going by Alyss, find her,' Ben was rapidly fading, he gripped my hand " find her, she can answer your questions," he glanced behind him " and Rey," he fixed his gaze on me, " Don't give up hope, whatever you find there. Rey, I..." he never got to finish, he just disappeared. One moment he was there, and then, he was gone.
I opened my palm to find a necklace on a silver chain, with a softly glowing jewel in the centre of a starburst.

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