II| No Prank Calls

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Wednesday August 15, 2020 4:00pm

Turner House, Setauket New York

"Max! I'm home!" Izzy called into the quiet home. "Sorry I'm late, I had a meeting!"

She kicked off her shoes and placed them in the closet, along with her coat. "Max?" she called again, setting her bags in her office.

"Max!" She cried, opening the basement door. "You better not of blown up the basement!"

"Izzy?" He walked toward the stairs, "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

Izzy took a breath. "You scared me. You're never that quiet."

"Ha-ha, very funny." 

Izzy spun on her heel, "I'm going to start dinner.".

"Pot pie?" he called after her, like he always did.

She laughed, "Yes."

"YAY!" He cheered. Chicken pot pie was rare now. Izzy always came home tired, and Max couldn't cook to save his life, so it was usually take out, or simple things, like spagetti, or sandwiches. 

Thursday August 16, 2020 8:00am

Culper Junior High

Izzy entered her class room, her first class of the day sat before her. "Good morning! Today you will get your seating chart, if you do well this quarter, you have free seating for the next. Alright?"

"Caleb, Valerie, and Dexten, you sit at table one. May, Thomas, and Ella, you three are at table four..." She directed the kids around the room until they were all seated. "There." She smiled.

"By the end of this class, I hope that you all have reassurence, that you are only allowed to have fun in my room." She laughed. "That is, if you don't stay so cold towards your classmates."

The class looked at one another, clearly unhappy with the people they're sat next to. "You all gave me an idea of who you are yesterday. And I sat you next to people, who are not quite the same. I hope these people help you grow. For example, I was a bit of a nerd and a rule follower in my day. The teachers always sat me next to the kids that were always skipping class or in the office. I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me. I do not wish to put that on anyone, instead of just sitting together, I want you to talk, get to know one another, let the other person leave an impression on you."

She smiled and sat at her desk. "I'm doing a lot of talking. I feel that you all are bored." She eyed a girl in the corner. "Everyone stand up. We are going to play another game."

Thursday August 16, 2020 12:00pm

Turner House Setauket, New York

"If I set a vase here," Max muttered, placing a vase on a table in front of the projector. "And I stand here..."

He stood behind the projector again. He thought about what he was doing before the light came. "I slammed my fist on the lens," He laid his hand there. After a few moments...

Nothing happened.

He sighed. "I have to be missing something." He thought of yesterday again, absent mindedly used his hand to scratch his chin. 

The blinding light came again. He turned away again, covering his eyes. When a bang sounded, he turned back around sharply. Just like he thought- the vase was gone. He rushed to his notebook to record this. He turned to yesterday's blog and froze. 

"...the arachnid, which I had previously taken note of, and Izzy's picture on the wall both disappeared. In their place, a vase appeared, hovering in mid air for a moment, before crashing to the ground."

And suddenly the memory hit him. Yesterday, the vase appeared and fell. He was sweaping it up when Izzy got home yesterday. 

Or was he? He also remembered writing nothing about the vase. He was in the back of the basement, looking for a rag to clean the off lens when she arrived. 

He walked over to his chair and fell back. Which was real? He had to tell Dr. Woods at the lab, but she wouldn't believe him. Unless...

"Unless I go twice." He started scribbling away. "Unless I go twice!"

Thursday August 16, 2020 7:35pm

Turner House, Setauket, New York

"Time travel..." Max muttered, setting his plate in the sink.

Izzy perked up. "Did you say something?"

"I need to show you something." He reached over and grabbed her wrist.

Izzy rinsed out her glass and set it in the sink, with the growing pile of dishes. "I'm coming I'm coming." 

He tugged on her arm until they made it downstairs, but she was moving too slow. "Come oooooon, I think I invented time travel." She laughed. "Izzy, I'm not joking." He glanced over at a projector in the center of the room. 

"Max, you were enhancing the lens quality, you didn't make it possible to travel through time." She walked over to the contraption, and tapped the lens, "Or is that really what you were doing?"

"It was! I swear! I don't know what happened, but look at the log!" He picked up his notebook and stood next to her, "Yesterday, I wrote about a vase. I didn't use a vase until today!"

"What does that mean?"

"It means, the vase appeared yesterday, when I sent it today!" he said like he wasn't the only one with a degree in quantum physics or something.

She looked at him, plainly confused. 

He sighed, "look, yesterday, I slammed my fist on the lens, I noticed a spider on the wall, and said something. I took my hand off, and a light appeared, and a loud bang. When I looked back, the spider, and your picture disappeared. That's all I thought happened, they disappeared. But today, I set a vase in front of it. I did the same, and it disappeared. I went to record this again, and instead found this! I remember writing both versions."

Izzy's eyebrows raised. "No one will believe you."

"Not until I do the same, I present it twice, I ask them all to write down what happened, then the next day, send something back, and see if the writing changed."

Izzy looked at him, "Max, this is great. This is huge! I wonder." She leant down and held the lens. "I wonder how far back it goes." What if I can find the true identities of spies from the Revolution? What if I can answer some of history's most well kept secrets? She thought.

She took her hand off the projector as she stood up.

He screamed. Louder and more painfully than he ever had in his life. "IZZY!" He squinted into the light as he ran towards her, his hand fell right through the spot where she was just standing. The sound of a gunshot, followed by screams and an explosion echoed in the basement.

He ran his fingers through his hair frantically. His chest rose and fell quickly to keep up with his breathing. He fumbled in his pocket for his phone. His fingers seemed to move for him as they dialed.


"Hi I um would like to report a... missing persons case I guess?"

"You guess?" The reporter questioned.

"Yes, I um. Invented something, and at first I thought it made objects disappear, but then I was messing with it today, and made a vase disappear, but I don't remember a vase being there yesterday, but it's in my notebook, I recorded it, a vase appeared and it broke in front of me. I know it sounds crazy but-"

"Sir, this is not a line for prank calls. This is serious."

"I am being serious! My finance just disappeared in front of my eyes! If the vase went back in time to yesterday, who knows where Izzy is?!" his eyes widened. "Yesterday. I was thinking about yesterday before the vase disappeared! Izzy loves history. What if she's in 1522! Or 79 A.D.!"

The woman sighed. "Sir, please calm down, I'll send an officer over-"

"What's he gonna do?"

"Sir, its standard protocol."

"Right, right."

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙 𝔸𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝔹𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔹𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖 - xBenjamin TallmadgeWhere stories live. Discover now