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It was silent. Really silent. His ears seemed to ring from this soundless place. His eyes were closed. He couldn't see anything. Why couldn't he see anything? He wasn't sure. He tried opening his eyes but they appeared to be glued shut. He was confused. He tried again. His eyes felt glued shut but that didn't really make sense. Especially since he could now see.

He tried moving his body, hoping it'd respond better then his eyes. His body seemed to comply and he slowly sat up. His body felt sore. He didn't really know why he felt sore. He was confused.

He lifted his arm up and felt his face. His hands brushed against his cheek and felt something rough on it. He picked at it and tried to pull it off his face. 

"Ow!" He yelped. It felt like his own skin was peeling off his face. He stopped picking at it and felt around his face more. He felt around his eyes, and sure enough they were still glued shut. He tried to use his fingers to pry his eyes open but it didn't help at all. He dropped his arm at his side and let out an exhausted sigh. 

He decided to stop worrying about his eyes and to actually look around. Sitting up, he looked around and noticed he was in some kind of hall. It turned out he was sitting in front of a door. He slowly stood up and ignored the soreness from his back and face and turned towards the direction  of the door. 

He lifted his arm and his hand wrapped around the doorknob. But for some reason, his body tensed up with fear. Why was he scared? He wasn't sure. But he had to figure out where he was and he couldn't do that if he stayed frozen in place. Taking in a deep breath, he opened the door and was surprised to find out that he was in a classroom.

They're were people inside the class. Someone, the teacher he was assuming, was at the front of the class pointing at the chalkboard. He looked at the board and saw it filled with a bunch of equations which made no sense to him. He turned away from it and and looked forward. Students sat at their desks and seemed to have their attention on the teacher only. It looked like they hadn't even noticed him.  

He looked around at all the students and desks and noticed one empty in the middle of all the desks. He didn't know why, but for some reason he was compelled to go to that desk. His mind felt slow and his thoughts seemed to slow down. He didn't notice when his feet started moving on their own. He didn't notice when he started walking down the aisle of students to the desk. He didn't notice when he sat down in the desk. All he knew is that he should be sitting here and that he should be paying attention to the lesson.

He glanced at the board. The equations that were previously there were gone and replaced with a mirror. He could see his reflection.

But what about the other kids?

He looked around and saw the other desks and students were gone. The only ones inside were the teacher and him. But behind him,in the mirror's reflection, he saw the classroom deteriorating. The floor and desks disintegrated like they were never there.

He stared at the teacher and tried to understand what was happening.  The teacher started talking and he could hear but it sounded like a broken record.

"Wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeuwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup" The teacher spoke fast, his words seemed to mesh together into gibberish. He stared at the teacher in confusion and slowly got up.

It was hard. His body felt heavy and it was very hard for him to get up. He turned his head slowly  behind him and saw the classroom was about halfway gone. Staring at everything disintegrating, he felt compelled to go towards it.

He slowly turned his whole body around and stared at the disappearing classroom. He took a heavy step forward and then another. Meanwhile the teacher had gotten louder.

"WAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUWAKEUPWAKEUPWAKEUP!!" His ears rung and his head hurt. Every step away from the teacher, the voice would get louder and louder. His head felt like it was going to explode from the noise by the fourth step.

He had to turn around. Hehadtohadtohadto. He slowly turned around and slowly began his way to the teacher. Each step was slow and heavy but his mind felt like it was finally understanding what was happening. He glanced from the corner of his eye and saw the walls were melting away. It seemed like there was a bottomless pit behind the walls.

He felt scared. He wasn't sure what would happen if he went with the teacher, but he knew he'd probably die if he went back.

He continued walking. He was almost there. So close. The voice was getting quieter but started sounding vaguely familiar.

Where had he heard this voice before?

He stopped questioning it. Everything that had happened so far was barely understandable and made no sense whatsoever.

Who cares if it sounds familiar?

He stopped walking. He was face to face with the teacher. The teacher was now mumbling the same phrase as before.He was in front of him, now what? What was he supposed to do? Why was he here in the first place?

The walls behind the teacher were now also disappearing. The space they were in was getting dangerously small. He didn't know what to do. His heart was thumping really fast. He began to tense up and tremble in fear. What was going to happen if everything disappeared?

He didn't want to find out

He looked back desperately at the teacher, pleading silently for some kind of sign. The teacher stared back with no sign of emotion, mouth still mumbling. He was desperate, he had to do something. So he did.

He grabbed the teacher's shoulders and began to shake him. He shook him and hoped he'd do something, anything!

The teacher stopped mumbling and grabbed him by the shoulders. He stopped shaking the teacher, surprised he was grabbed him. The teacher pulled him closer then pushed him away. Doing this slowly at first before going fast.

It took a few moments to process that he was being shaken and that the yelling had started again. His mind was getting dizzy and was getting heavy and everything seemed to be happening in slow motion.

The words the teacher was yelling didn't make sense and he couldn't tell what he was saying anymore. He covered his eyes with his hand  as his ears began to ring. The shouting seemed to have faded and he felt as if he was let go. A new voice started talking. He could hear it, but he didn't want see what was causing.He refused to remove his hands from his eyes, he was too scared to see what was happening. He kept his hand over his eyes and waited anxiously for the impact of the floor, but it never came. 






"Koki...ich.. .. wa....p.!"


"Kokichi! Wake up!"
His eyes snapped open. There was someone hovering over him. He blinked in confusion. His vision was still blurred and was  slowly starting to clear up. He blinked a few more times and he was able to see better.

Two golden eyes stared down at him in concern. It took a few seconds for him to remember who this was. His mind was still hazy and it was barley becoming clear. He continued to stare and wondered who this was. He knew his name. He knew who this was.  His throat felt dry and sore and he was sure it was going to hurt to talk, but he had to. Had to confirm it.

"Sh... Shuichi?"

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