Chapter 1

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Barley-Age 5
Ian-Age 2

Ian and Barley were very playful children until one particular day. Ian and Barley were just running around the house when after 30 minutes Ian began to get severe and constant coughing fits. Then within an hour Ian began holding his chest to cough. Laurel saw this and automatically picked up her youngest.

Laurel tried walking around holding Ian but his coughing was getting worse and worse. The coughing later developed into almost a choking noise. Laurel then dialed 911 and quickly got a backpack ready in case Ian had to stay overnight at the hospital. Barley was worried about even the mention of the word hospital.

Laurel set Ian down in his bed for a minute because walking around holding him was not helping his coughing. Once Laurel closed the door Barley snuck in and saw his little brother. Barley then walks up to Ian. Barley then unbuttoned Ian's red and black checkered jacket along with his yellow T-shirt.

Ian's coughing was sounding less of a choking sound because of Barley's action. The ambulance came shortly after.

Paramedic: Where is he?

Laurel: He's upstairs there is a small blue lightning bolt on the door.

The paramedics quickly got Ian out of the bedroom but he was becoming fussy when they tried to put him in the ambulance.

Laurel: Ian honey it's okay.
Ian: Bu...Buba
Laurel: What honey?
Ian: B......Buba.
Laurel: Buba.

Laurel looked at the front door and saw Barley. Laurel then knew exactly what Ian wanted and turned her attention back to Ian.

Laurel: Sweetie do you want your brother?

Ian nodded. Laurel then motioned for Barley to come over. Barley then ran over to his mom and then they both got into the ambulance with Ian.

The ambulance took an hour to get to the hospital and Ian was incredibly afraid. Barley saw the fear in his brother's face and reached out his hand. Barley didn't even need to any thing else because once Ian saw Barley moved his hand he jumped in and grabbed his head.

Once at the hospital Ian and Barley had to split up because nobody was aloud to go in to the ER with him. As soon as they were forced to be apart Ian started crying out his brother's name.

Barley couldn't take it and began to run to Ian before Laurel finally got him after he made it half way there. When Barley was trying to get free from his mothers hold on his arm Ian was already in the hospital room and he could still hear Ian's crying.

It took all night still no sign of Ian and there was no news yet about Ian's condition. Finally Laurel had no choice but take Barley home because it was Sunday and he had Kindergarten the next morning.

-The Next Day-

Barley was already dropped off at school by his mom who is now heading to the hospital.

Doctor: Iandore Lightfoot's Mother.
Laurel: Hi. So how is he?

Doctor: Don't worry Mrs. Lightfoot. You're son is okay.

Laurel sighed in relief that she didn't loose her 2 year old son. Laurel also didn't have to tell Barley that another member of their family was dead.

Laurel: So what exactly did you find wrong?

Doctor: We did a couple of tests and learned that their was incredibly swelling in his airway.

Laurel: What does that mean?

Doctor: I hate to say this but Ian is now an asthmatic.

Laurel: He has asthma.

Doctor: Unfortunately yes but asthma is very common in children and it is very treatable.

Laurel: Right.

Doctor: I also want to know if there were any members in your family who have or had asthma.

Laurel: Not really no.
Doctor: What about your husband's side?
Laurel: Not that I know of.

Doctor: Well then I will look into it later and I will have you sign the release papers for Ian to go home.

Laurel: Wait before I sign the papers can I please see my baby.

Doctor: Of corse I have to print it out anyway. Room 131 on the 2nd floor.

Laurel then got into the elevator and pushed 2. Once the elevator stopped Laurel walked down the long hallway and finally found the room.


Laurel opened the door to see Ian slowly waking up in the hospital bed. Ian automatically perked up when he saw his mom. Laurel the walked over to Ian and wrapped her arms around the 2 year old.

A few minutes later Laurel signed the release papers and got Ian dressed to get ready to go home. Once they were out of hospital Laurel put the backpack in the backseat. Laurel then put Ian in the car seat. Once Ian was strapped in Laurel got into the car and began to drive home.

Ian: Mommy were is Barley?

Laurel: He's still at school sweetie. He'll be home soon.

Ian: Why I have asthma?

Laurel: Sweetie it's okay. You're just going to have to be more careful with playing.

Ian: Okay.

Laurel and Ian finally arrived home. Laurel unbuckled Ian and brought him inside along with the medicine from the hospital and the backpack full of Ian's stuff. Once Laurel was finished she went to go pick up Barley from school as Ian took a nap.

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