Adjustments II

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Here is chapter two...enjoy  xxxx

"Mom, can I talk to you?"

Jungkook wrung his hands together, his nervous sign when he was anxious or worried about something. It had been two days since he had returned from the cabin and he had tried his hardest to figure out how to bring it up to his mother what his plan was.

She looked over at him and patted the sofa where she was sat, watching her K-Dramas, she paused the episode and turned to him, immediately noticing how nervous he was. She took his hands in her own and looked into his eyes.

"What is it son? What's wrong?" He took a deep breath.

"Mom, you know I was doing my project for university on the wild man in the woods?"

"Yeah...wait don't tell me you found him?"

"I did mom...but that's not what I wanted to ask you."

"Wait...first of all you did find him..." she started looking all over his body. "Is what you're trying to tell me that you got bitten and are infected somewhere because if that monster hurt you I'll..."

"MOM... I'm fine...He never bit me...he's not a monster, he actually really timid, and just" He looked her in the eye and took a deep breath.

"What are you asking of me Jungkook?"

"Can we keep him please...?"

"Wait what?"

Jungkook put on his best puppy dog eyes and looked into his moms brown orbs. His mom stared at her son.

"Do you have any idea what you are asking of me Jungkook?"

"Mom please, we have the basement all kitted out, it's like a separate tiny house, it even has its own small kitchen, he could stay there just until he learns about being a person, and learns to talk."

"He can't talk?"

"No, and he was mesmerised by me when I spoke. I don't think he's had any interaction with humans ever in his life..."

"And you are asking me to allow him to come and live in a confined space surrounded by lots of humans...don't you think that will send him over the edge? What if he flips out and attacks you?"

"That won't happen mom..."

"You don't know that Jungkook...I'm sorry but I can't allow it."

"Mom please..." He begged her, his eyes pleading.

"Jungkook, let it go." She turned away and picked up the remote, unpausing her K-drama, Jungkook knew his plan had failed.

He walked away and up to his room, he guessed he would have to go with plan B then, he understood his moms concerns and he hated that he was about to go against her wishes but he also had a deep seeded need to help the wild man. He couldn't understand why, but he just had to.

He entered his bedroom and flung himself on his bed, he had to work out plan B perfectly but he already had an idea in his head, he just had to carry it out.

Clamouring under his sheets he cuddled up to his fluffy pillow and closed his eyes. He smiled to himself, he would bring the wild man home with him whether his mom approved or not, he would help him speak

The figure looked up at the large funny shaped object in front of him, it didn't look like the one he had met the strange creature in, and it was shaped differently. He would see bright flashes lighting up a certain area of the strange object, they would stay on then suddenly go out.

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