Finale XVII.

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Well here it is purples...the last chapter...I hope you've enjoyed this book as much as i've enjoyed writing it....I'm now going to concentrate on writing the final chapters of some of my other works so I can concentrate on new ideas I have...Thank you to everyone who has read this book...It means a lot to me xxxxx

Tae' walked to the front door of the cabin and stepped outside, he went and sat on the bench they had placed there, his thoughts going to everything that had happened in the last couple of was over whelming him.

His thoughts went to two days ago when Jungkook returned he went to hold him but he had seemed distant, like he was hiding something from him, and he was struggling with it.

That night he had tried to talk to him but he had just fallen asleep, and even when he had caressed his body he had ignored him, and blocked him out, of his mind as well, he had mumbled he was tired and wanted to sleep, and that was that...

The next morning he wasn't in bed, and seemed to have left early...not leaving a note or any explanation or his whereabouts.

Was Jungkook finally feeling the regret of being with him...of having his life changed by being associated by him...This was a fear Taehyung had always held in his chest ever since he had been scratched, that one day he would realise that he was to blame for their lives, and begin to hate him...had it finally happened?

Had he met someone at work...he worked as a professor in a local college, and some of the teachers were very good looking guys, had one of them come on to him, had Jungkook been seeing one of them behind his back? Someone normal and without all the drama he brought into the relationship?

Was it only a matter of time before he left him? Taehyung felt a flood of tears fall down his face, and he roughly brushed them away but they were persistent and more decided to grace his pale cheeks, he went to reach up to brush those away when a hand brushed them away for him, he turned and saw the tender eyes of his husband staring down at him. They showed pain and regret.

They stared at each other for mere seconds before Jungkook bent down and kissed both of his eyes tenderly then went down to his lips and kissed them gently. He then looked at him lovingly and sat down beside him and wrapped his arms around his waist and placed his head on his shoulder.

Tae's heart was torn...he wanted to hold him back but all his doubts were still flowing through his head so he just couldn't.

"First of all..." Jungkook began. "There would never be anyone else...ever...Second of all...I'm sorry."

Tae' couldn't speak but he did place his arm on his waist finally, the other one on his arm.

"I'm sorry I've been distant the last few days but I can now tell you why. I just had a call from Grandmother...She has done something for us and she wants us to go somewhere tomorrow morning." He looked up into Tae's face.

The blond was understandably confused...what did his grandmother have to do with any of this.

"Let me explain..." Tae' nodded and he continued. "You can read me so well, that I had to block you for a few days, and I knew you would know I was blocking you, so my plan was to stay away as much as I could, for what I needed to do to work I had to do it I'm sorry."

He looked at Tae' who looked hurt, but he carried on regardless.

"When we make love, my walls crumble and I can't control myself." He grinned and Tae' smiled for the first time.

"You can be quite loud, it's a good job the girls have sound proof walls installed." Tae' giggled.

"Precisely, so I knew that couldn't happen either if I was to keep the secret until it was ready to be revealed...I'm sorry if I seemed hurt me too you know."

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