Chapter 2

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It was the first day of new school year and the sun was shinning above the campus. It was supposed to rain later but as of now it was sunny. May came a little bit earlier just in case. You never know with new professors. Olivia on the other hand had trouble waking up this morning since she spent most of the sleeping hours watching that new show she discovered. But somehow she managed to get out of bed and actually get ready for school.
The boys came just in time the professor walked in. They didn't mind being late so it didn't really bother them.
Second class May had was with Jamie. The two of them kind of connected this past summer aldo they didn't want to admit it. You could definetly see a certain sparkle in their eyes when they would laugh together or talk to each other. Both of them knew that if something potentionally happened it would ruin their friendship.

-I think we should talk later about... you know...-said May.
-Yeah,sure,we'll talk.

Two hours,one lunch and many Travis' jokes later,the two of them finally decided to talk. It wasn't sunny anymore just like the wheather knew what was about to happen.

-Look,I know that what we had between us was just a summer sparke. I am sure you think the same.
-Um,you're right,I agree. -answered May.

She didn't expect this turn of events. Remaining just friends like nothing ever happened was not her plan. She wanted to tell him that she felt something for him but now after what he said she didn't want to seem like she wanted to force anything. But what she didn't know was that Jamie felt the exact same way. He just said that because he thought it's what she wanted and he didn't want to make her uncomfortable so he said it first. It was a big risk for their friendship and the friendship of the entire group so they just didn't seem to want to risk it.
It wasn't Jamie's first time falling for a friend. He met a girl few years ago just when he finished highschool and they started of as very good friends. Her name was Chiara and she was daughter of his mother's best friend. They tried being in a relationship but it didn't work and they called it off after just a month. That caused some problems between their mums as well and they are not in contact anymore. This was exactly what Jamie was afraid of.

-Ok,I think it would be the best if we forgot about it and keep going like nothing happened. -Jamie proposed.
-Sure,just friends than?
-Best friends.-said Jamie and hugged her.

May went back to her room and started studying. That's what she would always do when she had some problem she didn't want to think or talk about. After spending few hours hanging with the books she texted Nate and asked him for a drink. Nate was probably her best friend even before Olivia. With Olivia being a bit childish she couldn't talk to her about everything because sometimes she wouldn't take her seriously. But that's Olivia. Nate on the other hand understood everything. They spent next few hours just sitting in a local bar and talking about everything.

-I still need to get a dress for the welcome party. -she said.
-Don't you have that one we bought together the other day?
-I do but I think I need something more outstanding.
-Yeah,I think Olivia would be better shopping buddy than me,don't you think?
-I agree.-said May with big smile on her face.

Jamie was just going outside when his nose got punched with big metal door.

-Oh my God,I am so sorry!-apologized the girl in front of him.
-It's fine,it's just a little bit of blood.
-Come on,let's go to the toilet and I'll clean that for you.
-Really,I'm fine.
-I inssist.-she said.
-Okay than.-Jamie agreed.

-I haven't even introduced myself after hitting you with that door. I'm Zoey.
-Nice to meet you,Zoey.I'm Jamie.Do you often hit people with doors since you're so good at stoping the bleeding?-said he through smile.
-No,but my mum is a nurse so she taught me some first aid.

They kept talking even after they left the bathroom. Who knows,maybe this is the one for Jamie?They were smiling like crazy the entire time they spent together.

May and Olivia were just chilling in their room when the phone rang. It was Ray,the host of welcome party tomorrow."There have been some changes with dress code. Everyone needs to wear white."
Both of them got super excited because they knew how good they looked in white.

-I think it's time for shopping!-Olivia said while getting her shoes on.

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