Chapter 3

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May and Olivia were getting ready for the welcome party Ray organized every year.Since the dress code is white and pretty minimal they decided to put a little bit more makeup.May put on golden eyeshadow which really made her dark big brown eyes pop out even more than usual.Olivia made her blue eyes pop with settle amount of yellow eyeshadow.Travis and Nate came pick them up just few minutes before they were fully ready.

-Where is Jamie?-asked May while her big smile slowly faded.

-I think he is going with some girl he met this morning.But you girls have two of us,isn't that enough?-asked Nate.

-More than enough,let's go!-answered Liv.

Well,that changed May's mood pretty fast.She knew that they agreed on being friends but hearing about him and some other girl made her sad.He's even taking her to the party and they just met.Those were the thoughts that went through May's head on their way to party house.Once they arrived,most of the people were already very drunk but it's nothing new with these kind of parties.Boys went in their direction,probably to annoy some freshmans and May and Olivia went to grab a drink.

-I really need it.-said May.

-What's going on with you?Your mood changed so quickly.-Olivia asked her and grabed her hand so they can catch a free spot on the sofa.

-Nothing.Well,actually I talked to Jamie this morning know...


-I guess you can say that whatever we had between us is now over before it even started.But it's fine,it's not like I expected anything.

-I'm sorry.But at least now you're free to meet someone new.

-Yeah,you're right.And you know what?I'm gonna start now.-happily said May what made Olivia very happy.

The evening was going really well.The music was amazing,the people at the party,even tho most of them were drunk,were interesting and girls had a lot of fun watching them make fun of themselves.Everything was more than fine.They were dancing and laughing so hard that Olivia thought that she was going to throw up all the drinks they drank.

-I need to go to the toilet.-said Olivia.

May ended up alone in a crowd so she decided to rest on the sofa for a bit.That's when the things started going wrong.Some guy who was visibly drunk and not in a funny way approached her.She definetly didn't feel comfortable so she got up.But he didn't take no for an answer.He took her hand even tho she didn't want that and started pulling her.May started yelling "Let me go" but nothing could stop him.In that moment Nate came and punched him in the face.May has never seen him so furious but she finally felt safe.When the drunk boy ran away from Nate,May hugged him and thanked him.

-Thank you so much.I don't want to think about what could've happened if you didn't come.

-Let's not talk about it anymore because I will go find him and kill him.-Nate said furiously.

-He's not worth it,calm down.I'm fine.

The two of them came back in the living room and May saw Jamie.The smile on her face came back without her even realizing it.When she remembered that she's probably staring at him and the girl standing next to him,May calmed down and went to greet them together with Nate.

-Hey,you guys!How's the party?-asked Jamie.-Oh,and this is Zoey.

-Nice to meet you.I'm May and this is Nate.-May said even thought she definetly didn't want to meet her.

Jamie asked them where Trav and Liv are but they didn't know.Little after that May went to find Liv and she found her dancing with Travis.Well,at least someone had fun.She approached them and they saw her.She wanted to tell Liv everything that happened but when she saw her dancing and having fun, she didn't want to ruin that.May just told them that she's going home which was a little bit weird to Olivia but she though that May was just tired.

May went out and pulled her phone to call taxi.That's when she heard someone calling her name.It was Nate.

-Where are you going?The party's not over yet.

-I'm just tired and I honestly don't feel like partying anymore after what happened.I just wanna go home and watch some movie.

-You need company?-he asked.

-You Know what? I actually wouldn't mind having a friend by my side.

-Anytime.Come on,jump in the car.

They went to change into pijamas and Nate came at May's room.Luckily,Olivia bought some snacks the other day so they had something to eat.They choose to watch Pretty woman.It was May's favourite movie and she has probably watched it hundred times.Literally.She knew that that type of movies was definetly not something Nate would watch but he did anyway and she appreciated it.They loved partying but these kind of parties were always something May would choose over anything.And Nate too.But they weren't alone for long.The rest of the group left the party early and joined them.It just didn't seem right partying without these two.This night turned out to be first out of many sleepovers Olivia planned since day one.Even though Jamie was here too,the things weren't weird for them.At least for now.Once the movie ended Olivia had an idea.

-What do you guys think about going for a swim?

-It's three and a half in the morning.-said Jamie.

-Yeah,so?It wouldn't be the first time.

With that said,it was time to go to pool area of the campus.This was kind of illegal but they didn't really care.You know how they say-the best party is always the after party.And this was their after party.They were having so much fun.Well,it better be that way because this is one of the last time that it's just five of them without any fights and broken hearts.You might as well say that instead of welcome party like everyone else, they had a goodbye party.

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